Hey, Leg!
You sound like you’d be a great fit in my guild, Koalaty Time, a Horde-based guild on Mal’ganis. We’re currently 2/2N 9/9H 1/9M and raid W/F 8-1030 EST, and we are in high need of another ele sham! We have a strong M+ scene, as well as a growing cross-realm community of 1k+ io players so we all have a larger pool of players to run M+ with. We have a friendly, supportive guild culture with a laid-back raid environment. You should read more about our guild in our recruitment post here:
If you’d like to chat or set up a trial, feel free to reach out on bnet: conweezy#1387.
All the best in your search and I hope to hear from you,
Shayzee / Shhbbyisok / Conweezy