Hey, what’s with the Night Elf that stole my name?
I was about to say this jokingly, but then this person actually used it as an argument. I’m sure those same 10 people made 700 youtube accounts each to vote on two of Solheims polls, and another 5000 accounts each for WillEs poll.
Um I have three youtube accounts so thats not far fetched either. I guess you’ve never encountered any bots on YT either.
2 Nochts 1 Cup
Vote early and vote often ;p
you wont see that in open world
Sure you will. You’ll see a ton of folks farming ore and herbs and doing quests while sitting in a queue. Everyone other than tanks and healers that is, our queues will be instant.
Well, I wouldn’t say “a ton.” But that also implies that there’s more people out farming/questing in TBC than are sitting semi-afk in Shattrath/Org/SW and trying to organize bear parades.
I’m a classic player. I played vanilla classic and BC classic. I quit retail 6 years ago. I want the lfd. This is just another everyone who agrees with me is a real classic player and everyone that doesn’t is a retail player. I bet you claim you and your friends are the only real Americans too.
And that’s where you’d be wrong. Two likes on this post are me. Tested in the CC section and can tap as many times as you have alts (did remove my second like off the CC post because homie don’t play dat).
My friend you have linked my post 3 times in the same thread. I am expressing my opinion, I’m sorry you and 92 other people don’t agree with it. I don’t put it out there for people to agree or disagree with. I put it out there so everyone can see my thoughts, which are just that. My thoughts.
I’m happy with the change because of the reasons listed and because I remember the day LFD came out in wrath. It was as if trade chat died overnight on my server. So yes, I am glad to see they don’t plan to add it.
Maybe a good compromise is to add it for normal dungeons and not heroic. Ease levelling but still require people to find their groups for endgame.
Well that’s dumb. I assumed it was once per bnet because I never tried stacking the votes before.
I asked this wild herd of horses if LFD removal was a good idea.
And they all replied neigh.
That’s how I remember it too.
But, would you agree that Wrath was a bit “Bipolar”? It had a different appeal after than it had before LFD. Shouldn’t that community that came after have the benefit of experiencing the magic of the game that draw them into the franchise again the same as the rest of us have had to this point?
Wouldn’t that be best facilitated by a WoTLKC that adhered closely to the iconic features and their timelines as they happened in the original?
It’s part of the “new and improved forums”. Each character is basically it’s own account for likes, trust level, penalties, etc.
I often switch alts after my daily allotment of likes is used, not to multi-like, just to continue liking in threads as for some reason how much stuff you can like has a daily limit. When you’re bored at work you can read A LOT of forums in 8 hours.
That right there is part of the problem.
They’re not votes. Acting that they are is a false narrative.
This is the first time since 2008 that I have taken to the forums to post about things. I don’t know about others, but I have never felt the urge to voice my thoughts on a blizzard decision until now. I disagree on it’s full removal. If blizzard said it would be introduced in ICC, no cross realm or no teleport or something I would have kept my mouth shut. Completely removing it was too much and thus, I am here.
Add it on launch, there is no cons.
FIXD 4 You
Negative that was added back then, we aren’t those kind of gamers anymore and this is a prog server woltlk shouldn’t last 2 years.
Made sense back then but not now.