Lf weekend a.m. OR mon/wed nights

Monday 6pm-10pm cst
Wednesday 6pm-10pm cst

Satruday 7am-11am
Sunday 7am-11am

Being a morning person and most productive in that time I am searching for a weekend morning guild to raid with. I can offer an Elemental Shaman or a Frost Mage. Feels like ranged dps are always in need now days :-).

I am looking for a guild who is/or wants to push aotc and then into mythic. I am not actively searching for a CE guild (as i find less fun in the game when stressing that particular goal) but i’m also not completely against it.

You can contact me @ the following:

Hey there. Day Raiders raids Wednesday and Thursday 8-11 AM EST. We have 7/8 H progress. If you are interested in weekday raids shoot me a message.
Discord Ryaden#5511

sorry, work during the week. Which would be why i’m seeking a morning weekend guild.

Still looking, Monday/Wednesday nights would also work as well

Hey there, are you flexible on your raid time on Sunday? Would 3-6 pm EST on Sunday work for you. My raid group raids Wed. 7-9 pm EST and Sun. 3-6 pm EST. If those times might work for you, you can contact me on either Discord or Bnet.

Discord: Slipper Socks#1360
Bnet: Slippersocks#11591

Let me link our guild post in case you are interested.

Still on the look for something that fits the 'ole scheduling needs