LF specific Moonkin/Travel/Cat Form macro

I have been using

/cast [indoors] Cat Form(shapeshift); [Outdoors] Travel Form(shapeshift);
/cast !Moonkin Form

And it works well enough, except the first priority it casts is Travel Form meaning if I am standing without any stance active and want to enter battle mode I will hit teh macro and it transforms me into a stag/cat (outdoor/indoor), and then if I hit it again it gives me Moonkin and I would prefer for it to make Moonkin Form the initial command to look for so intead it defaults to casting Moonkin Form first and, and then it would toggle to Travel Form if outside or Cat form if inside when pressed again.

Does that make sense?

I tried moving the Moonkin part of the script to the top but that didn’t work.

/cast [noform:4] Moonkin Form; [indoors] Cat Form(shapeshift); [outdoors] Travel Form(shapeshift)

This works perfectly, thank you so much!