Hey Ferm! If you’re still looking for a guild maybe give us a look. We are a Horde guild which I saw you’re a bit hesitant about but we have plenty of people that are either leveling as Horde for the first time as well or people that are more than willing to help guide you along the way!
We are <Fugitives of Norrath> on the Classic WOW - Skeram server, Playing as Horde. We are a guild that is formed by a group of mmorpg veterans who want to experience all that Classic WOW has to offer. Our leaders have a breadth and depth of experience in leading guilds through progression content at a high level and are looking to enjoy the Classic experience once again. We will not be taking ourselves too seriously and won’t be aiming for the WF race nonsense. We are here to enjoy Classic, and not to lose our jobs in the process. Most of us have a life outside of gaming and we intend to allow people to keep that intact. Our raid schedule is tentatively scheduled for Sunday and Thursday evenings, 8:30pm -11:30pm Eastern time, and maybe pushing later if the majority present wishes to do so.(edited)
Leadership GL -Officers (over see guild)/run raids and class leaders help within classes CLass leaders, Know there class very well and can help others improve Expectation of officers is to have fun while helping the rest of the guild grow Specs In classic we don’t get 2 spec choices we aren’t dictating the spec you choose to raid with just asking you to choose one
Loot: We will be starting out as a Loot Council style guild, using all the officers who have been leading guilds over the years, and eventually transitioning into DKP once we have a footing into the raid scene. The purpose of this is to allow our required classes (tank, high attendance healers/dps) to get us into a position where we can stabilize, then migrating to a system that allows for more member-oriented choice. The loot council will ask for everyone who wants in on a drop to send a whisper with what they are upgrading. The loot council will take a variety of factors into account (set item, need for the guild, attendance, last time you got a drop). If it is deemed that multiple members are equally viable, we’ll ask for a roll off. Loot council isn’t perfect, and we are going to do our best to be as fair as possible, however there will be exceptions for the benefit of the guild. {TBD LIST OF EXCEPTIONS, WILL BE CRYSTAL CLEAR} Attendance will be look at based on the past 30 days. You must have 60% raid attendance over the past 30 days to qualify for loot. We will start counting attendance after the first 30 days of raiding. Once up and going we will use guild fund to help provide to raid mats and enchanting mats for Guild Main spec use. We ask you to declare a raid spec as to take gear that benefits that IG war tank vs dps will not get tank gear over tank what needs it Frost mages will get frost + dmg gear over fire mage who just wants for pvp use performance and guild att and guild activity will be accounted for. We will operate fully in Discord till time we need a Site for DKP
Bnet - Mcrelb#11730
Discord - Relbaic#6292 or Remarkable#4502
Guild Discord - discordDOTgg/cmBmCTw
Good luck with the search.