LF reroll guild and/or friends

I realize this is probably the worst time to be looking for this but I thought I’d give it a shot.

Currently I’m playing on a really low pop horde server and at first I fell in love because the community is very mature and friendly but quickly became burned out after a couple months because it’s extremely hard to find groups while leveling and everyone seems like they are just casuals (no offense intended I just have no life)

That is probably TMI (sorry I don’t normally post on the forum!) but the jist is I’m looking for a group of people I can play with, preferably a reroll guild but I know the odds of finding that right now are slim to none.
Also prefer pve servers no preference of faction tbh.

Windseeker alliance seems to be pretty decent. I originally rolled on Faerlina and hated it.

We’re a PvE server. Not overly populated but it never feels dead either. Quite a few guilds that are pushing content and are actively doing speedruns.

We arent a re-roll guild but here yah go mate:

Hello! < Vanquish > is a re-roll guild that started a couple of weeks ago. We have 140 members, with the vast majority between level 10-40. We intend to raid in time, but we are a friendly, leveling guild at heart. We are on Heartseeker PvP EST as Alliance, but there is a large population imbalance in our favor, so it can feel like a PvE server sometimes. I hope you’ll give us a look - it’s all about the journey and making new friends!