Guild found

guild found

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We are recruiting! We are a Raiding and Mythic+ guild looking to build our ranks! Recruiting all classes, roles and experience!
We are a newer guild with years of experience in leading and raiding focused on building something new and fresh! We like to keep things fun and relaxed but at the same time focusing on content when the time comes.

What can we provide?

  • Progress and growth within the guild and content!
  • Family oriented (both in-game and out)
  • 18+ environment
  • Safe and friendly space to be you!

Who are we looking for?

  • Like minded individuals who want to have fun and joke around, but also still do end-game content!
  • Players willing to learn and grow with the guild
  • Those looking for a fun and safe environment

Raid Times
Normal Raid (gearing and learning) Friday 8pm est- 10pm est
Heroic- Saturday 8pm est to 10pm est

Recruitment Needs:

At the moment our recruitment is open to all! If this sounds like something you’d be interested don’t hesitate to come talk to us!



I’m tagging in looking for the same lol

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send me a discord request, I might be able to point you to a couple.

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I would like to talk to you about our team, you fit our times and what we are looking for in a Priest for our mythic team.

Hey Chaielle,

Our team is definitely AOTC and high keys, we are not a casual mythic raiding guild. Server transfer is definitely not to be rushed, we have no problem waiting until you are comfortable. Our play times are perfect as well, raid times are Tues/Thurs 930 Central to Midnight Central. Our guild is definitely most active around these times with no raid loggers.

Selfishly we would love to play with your shadow/holy priest but we always want you to play the class that is the most fun for you. Evoker would also work out well as we only have an Aug right now. Ultimately it is what you want to play, I will shoot you a discord request and drop our g spam as well, but looking forward to talking to you on disc!

Take care!

Hi Chaielle!

If someone is looking for friendly social community, the beating heart of a MMO, Found a Green Quest (US Horde Zul’jin & cross realm/cross faction community) is the place. While we have Keystone masters and amazing players, we have many more in the community either returning to WoW, in classic or just finding their way through the World of Warcraft in a casual friendly environment. We have mythic Mondays for a respectful and fun environment. We raid weekly in Wednesdays and Thursdays (7:30pm-10pm EST) and are interested in building up people not tearing them down. We have plans for guild sponsored PVP, regular t-mog runs to old content, Guild trivia and game nights, Pet battle tournaments, almost any activity you can think of in the game. If you’re a high key pushers but are getting turned off by negativity, or are a casual looking for a fun and friendly community or are a new or returning player intimidated by everything you see ingame and in Wowhead, we have Plenty of people ready to help you out. Give Found a Green Quest shot and you wont regret it.

Let Kiuayoukai or Van know if you’re interested!

Discord Kiuayoukai#2395 Kiua#1912
Discord- Vandro#5790
Battlenet- TheHammer#1904

Hi Chaielle,

Guild: Retaliation
Faction: Alliance
Realm: Earthen Ring (US)
Progression Raids: Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 8:00 PM EST/EDT till 10:00pm EST/EDT
Recruiter Contact: Isego#1586 and/or Carly#1264
We are always recruiting skilled players and players willing to learn regardless of class. We go with a work play hard mentality, where having fun and giving each other a hard time is more important than everything being done perfectly every time. We are looking for a final few regulars for our mythic progression team.

Retaliation is looking for players who are interested in the following:
Progression (Heroic and Mythic) raiding
Mythic+ dungeon progression
Must be 18+ years old
Must use Discord for voice communication during group activities

Who We Are Looking For:
We are looking for players who play for fun, but also take the time to min/max their characters. Since we all have busy lives outside of the game, we are building a community of players that give 110% to maximize their performance.
Successful raiders in our guild are characterized by two things: 1) personality; and 2) type of player. Gear is easy to get, but being a good team player is not. If you are number one on DPS but have a toxic personality, then you won’t be a good fit. Conversely, if you are the nicest person in the world but you always stand in fire, we also can not take you into progression raids.

Guild Expectations:
Invest effort into making sure you understand your class and role in a fight
Demonstrate consistent character progression (login throughout the week)
Be ready to transfer to US-EarthenRing after successful completion of trial.
Have Discord downloaded and working
Prepare throughout the week for boss encounters and follow directions from the raid leader
Dedicated Raid spots require 80% attendance to progression to maintain status
Arrive on time for raids (at least 10-15 minutes early to be invited and travel to the raid location)
Run a 16+ M+ Key with the guild weekly during progression.

How to Apply:
If you are interested in learning more about us, add Isego#1586 or Carly#1264 to your bnet friends list. We look forward to playing with you!

About Us:
Our guild was established in 2007 when we were playing Warhammer Online, and since then we have played various games together, including Guild Wars 2, Rift, SWTOR, Elder Scrolls Online, League of Legends, Heroes of the Storm, and Diablo 3.
Many of us work full-time (average age is 30’s) and can no longer commit to hardcore raiding progression due to out-of-game responsibilities. However, that doesn’t stop us from having fun and clearing content when we are together! Our primary goal is to clear heroic raids and obtain the “Ahead of the Curve” achievement before the next tier of raid content is released. We have achieved every Curve Achievement since WoD. Even though we are on an RP server, we do not participate in RP activities, but members are welcome to on their own.

Hey there! My guild is recruiting and below you can find some info about us!

Guild & Server: Carefactor Zero - Tichondrius

Raid Times/Days: Thursday/Friday 4:30 - 7PST

Current Progression: 9/9H, 1/9M

How to reach me: taullaris (discord) Taullaris#1461 (Bnet)

Requirements: A positive attitude, a willingness to learn and help others. And an inclusive mindset
Needs: Looking for DPS and Heals for core team but all others are welcome for subs/casual play!

Other than raiding we also do Mythic + dungeons and play other games while hanging out in discord. The main focus of our guild is a place where people can have fun and learn the raiding side of the game while progressing with likeminded individuals


We are looking for ranged dps. We raid Fri/Sat 7-10pm PST. We are currently 3/9M. If you are interested we can talk more my btag is vcronwen#1282.

you could be a great fit for us

Sinafay: Btag – Kitsune#1784; Discord – Sinafay#3443
Chewtabacca: Btag – Chewtabacca#11193; Discord - Pookiejones#1829