LF Raiding Guild

LF Guild to raid. Currently 184 Balance Druid with BOAT leggo. Also have 183 warlock. Thrall Server currently but can transfer.

Hey Aitu,

Our guild currently is sitting 10/10N 2/10H(Pre Huntsman nerf)


Hey Aitu,

Let me know if this sounds good to you!

Chee Kon is a fresh guild looking to fill in the final openings for our raid team for Shadowlands. We’re aiming to hit AOTC each patch and push into Mythic as possible.

After our first ever guild 3 hour raid this past Wednesday we’re 3/10N with Darkvein likely down a pull or two into Monday’s raid. We used a group fully from guild with no pugs and brought a team of 19.

The backbone of the guild is a core group of players who have extensive experience in the game. We’ve experienced server firsts and obtained gladiator in previous seasons and expansions, but personal life commitments prevent us from no lifing the game full time. We still plan on experiencing the content the game has to offer, just at a pace our schedule allows. We’re looking for people who are committed and team players.

Raid Times:

Wednesday - 10PM-1AM EST

Monday - 10PM - 1AM EST

We are recruiting healers and ranged dps for raid spots at this time. However, If you are an exceptional melee player, please do not hesitate to apply.

We are also willing to accept casual members looking for a place to enjoy their game time in Shadowlands.

Please contact either of the below to discuss our openings:



We are Shade a Horde mythic raiding guild on Hyjal server. We are looking to round out our roster moving forward into Shadowlands. Below is our current recruitment needs, more info about who we are as well as contact information. We look forward to chatting with you.

Raid Days/Times
We raid Tuesday and Wednesday 7pm-10pm PST(10pm-1am EST)
Optional raid night for heroic mode Fridays 7pm-10pm PST

Guild Information
Current Progression is 10/10N, 1/10H Castle.

Our guild will be focused on achieving Cutting Edge in all raid tiers. Our players are expected to do all research and come prepared to down bosses. Players are expected to go above and beyond in getting themselves geared for the content. Our guildies run multiple sets of keys a week together. We keep a fun and non toxic environment, but expect everyone to focus up when the time comes.

Raiding Expectations

Players are expected to attend all raids per week and message an officer or post in discord if they will miss a raid. We understand that real life issues happen and we are happy to accommodate you, as long as notice is given.All applicants should be near or at their ideal setup to directly contribute to our current content.Raiders should be able to take constructive criticism.We provide funds for repairs as well as flasks and consumables for progression content. Along with free enchants/gems for main spec gear.We do not recruit for the bench, however we will make the most optimal group based on who is online for the raid.

Contacts for more info or to inquire on trialing

Hexbox(tehfluffyone#1150)–Guild Recruiter
Discord: Devana#8731
Galorina(Galorina#1877)–Guild Master

HI Aitu! We are a guild on Area52 (Horde), 6/10 Normal, and raid only 2 nights a week. Our goal is mythic progression and we’d really like to add a balance druid to our roster. Raid Days/Times are Wed/Thurs 730-1030pm ET. We also run mythic+ and other content almost daily. Please add me on bnet for more info or to apply. Would love the chance to chat.


Not sure if you’re willing to faction transfer too, but we’re looking for some ranged for heroic progression!

Inevitable has gotten the band back together for Shadowlands and is recruiting for Castle Nathria progression.

Our core roster and leadership is experienced with pushing heroic content, and our goal is AOTC every tier of Shadowlands: the same goal we achieved in Legion. Unfortunately we went our separate ways due to disinterest in BFA, so we are filling out our roster with like-minded individuals to push into Castle Nathria and beyond.

Current Needs:

  • One Tank?
  • Melee DPS
  • Ranged DPS (Warlock!)
  • Healers

Raid Info/Requirements:

Normal Progression 4/10:

  • Shriekwing
  • Huntsman Altimor
  • Hungering Destroyer
  • Lady Inerva Darkvein
  • Sun King’s Salvation
  • Artificer Xy’mox
  • The Council of Blood
  • Sludgefist
  • Stone Legion Generals
  • Sire Denathrius

Raid Nights: Tues, Wed, Thurs 6pm CST/ 7pm EST
We raid two of the above nights a week on a set rotation due to two members working 24 hour shifts. It’s all preset in advance, and members are online on off-nights for Mythic + runs. I promise it’s not confusing!

ILVL flexible based on role and performance.

We consider ourselves seriously casual, so being fully enchanted and using basic consumables is required.

BNet: Nylos#11610 or Ricochet#1131
Discord: Nylos#2419

We look forward to raiding with you!

Hi Aitu - we are a newly formed raid team within the established Alliance Companions guild on Proudmoore. We raid Tues & Wed 6-9pm PST / 9pm-12am EST, are currently 1/10H and 3/10N, looking to push CE progression. If you’re interested please see our post at: [A] Companions (Proudmoore) LFM Mythic Raiders

Give brb bowflexing a chance!

Hey Aitu,

Arcane Fury on Thrall is looking for Boomies on our fri/sat raid team, kick off is 9 server until 11pm-ish depending on how close we are to killing a boss. Raid atmosphere is relaxed, we like to have a laugh but also focus up when its time to kill things. As a guild we have two raid teams and average between 30-50 folk a night so plenty of mythic + groups and we are also starting a casual raid on Sundays for alts and drunken shenanigans.

If you’re interested shoot me a message, my Bnet is yabigchoob#1206


Hi Aitu,
I am Zoey from - Zul’jin. I think we could be a good fit for you. We have a really big emphasis on having a good community, being efficient with raid time, and hanging out doing M+ or other games on off nights.

Guild Information in below. Hit me up on Bnet if you are interested. Zoey#1699

Am I Muted
Progression: 10/10 N, 7/10 H, 0/10 M

-12/12 Mythic Nyalotha, US 129
-8/8 Mythic Eternal Palace, First tier as a new guild

Times: Tuesday and Thursday 7:30-11:30pm CST
During new tiers we will host an optional heroic on Wednesdays after mythic is released.

About Our Guild Philosophy
We formed with the goal of building a guild with unique approach. We want to make sure the guild is a fun and positive place for our members with an emphasis on openness and transparency; we don’t want raiders to feel like we are hiding things from them and to understand any difficulties we face. We listen to our raiders suggestions and feedback; we want to make sure our members are happy, and through this we try to improve constantly.

We are a pretty chill group of people; but can be serious during prog to get them internet dragons dead. We enjoy hanging out on off nights doing keys, doing alt runs, or playing other games.

We also have a pretty laid back call out system. As great as WoW can be, it is just a game; we want to make sure to prioritize our raider’s real live before raid, to make sure no one has unneeded stress on top of their real life. As long as you let us know, with as much notice as you can, we are gonna be ok with you being out. Just don’t no show, no call. :stuck_out_tongue:

All in all, this is a fair place where the happiness of our raiders is a high priority.

Our Expectations
We expect our raiders to

  • Great Attitude: We value the community we raid in, so it is important we find players who are positive and respectful people. We extremely value our atmosphere and we don’t tolerate drama or rudeness toward other members.

  • Team Players: We want team-oriented players who value the success of the guild over the own parse or personal gain even if it potentially means they have to play an off-spec, do undesirable mechanics, or even be benched for composition reasons. This may mean you are not in for a fight, as we will always being our best 20 players. Or this may mean not getting a piece of gear.

  • Passion to Improve: Our roster is competitive and we value those who are constantly pushing themselves to become better players. Every player always has room for improvement. We want players who can take constructive criticism from others as well as analyze their own play to become better.

  • Preparation: Not only do we want players who want to get better, but we want players who do great research in advance for upcoming progression. We do not want players who show up not knowing the strategy or have no idea which add-ons or WeakAuras are required. Watch fight videos, pay attention to discord channels, ect.

  • Respect: You respect other members time. This means letting us know if you won’t be able to make raid. There is no punishment for this, but please remember that by not saying anything, you affect your other team members.

We would be interested in speaking with you about a potential spot on our ranged roster.

Seraphic is a Horde guild on the Realm Area 52, our focus is mythic progression and mythic +. The guild is being formed from a group of friends, several with multiple CE achievements and the rest with high level mythic progression. We’re wanting a chill yet serious environment where players can enjoy the time they have to play the game, but still progress at a fair or quicker pace through the high end PvE content. We raid 8pm to 11pm EST Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Current Needs:

Tanks - Protection Paladin, Guardian Druid
Healers - Holy Paladin, Holy Priest
Melee DPS- Windwalker Monk, Warrior, Feral Druid
Ranged DPS - Boomkin Druid, Mage, Shadow Priest, Warlock

If you believe you are exceptional at your class and can outperform one of our raiders apply today, we will give you the opportunity to show it.

Below is a list of our general goals and ambitions

  • Be fairly geared throughout the expansion.
  • Clear Heroic within first or second week of tier release.
  • Complete +15 M+ keys once a week minimum.
  • To build a community of players that are online around the clock.
  • Preferably a friendly environment.
  • By the end of Shadowlands, we want to be CE in more than one raid tier.

If interested, reply to this post with battletag or Discord information.

Feel free to add one of our officers on Discord for a faster response:

Froggy - Guild Master - Discord vmsfroggy#4819 - Bnet vmsfroggy#1886
Isaac - Raid Leader - Discord (Stink)#7494 - Bnet Stink#11325
Shankspec - Recruiter - Discord Shankspec#8004 - Bnet mynucka1788#1532

Hey! I have no idea what type of progression you’re looking for but I figured I’d leave our spam anyway. Check us out if you’re interested.


If you’re still looking, we’re going for AOTC with a small group. Very experienced team just need to fill a couple spots. Fri/Sat 6-9pm Thrall server time.

Hey Aitu!

We have two raid teams on Thrall and could use a Balance druid on either raid team. Below is more info on our teams.

Grimace is a new guild with an AOTC core team and aspirations to move into Mythic. We are laid back, looking for progression and constant improvement. Current progress is 9/10N for Castle Nathria.

Raid Times,Recruiting, and Progress:

  • Mythic - Friday & Sunday 10:30 PM - 1:30 AM EST
    • Recruiting All Ranged DPS
    • Progress - 9/10N
  • Heroic (Casual/Alt) - Saturday 9:00 PM EST - 12:00 AM EST
    • Recruiting All Heals and Ranged DPS
    • Progress - 3/10N

What you get out of Grimace:

  • Lots of memes
  • Active members
  • Mid to late night raid raiding
  • Relaxed atmosphere
  • Regular Mythic+

To apply please contact:

  • Discord - Stisicus#8898 (Pref), BNet - Stis#1648
  • BNet - Moo#1421



Hey Aitu!!!

Guild & Server: Predictive Gaming [H] Thrall

Who Are We?
Predictive Gaming is gearing up for Shadowlands, and currently looking for core raiders and people interested in rated battlegrounds! We are a mix of newer players and OG Vets. Predictive Gaming was first formed to be a place where people could come together and have an inclusive environment to game and meet friends. We strive to maintain that inclusive, laid-back vibe, but at the same time focused on our ultimate goal; winning and developing as players and people.

Raid Times: Tuesday / Friday 9 p.m. - 1 a.m. EST

Current Progression: 10/10N 1/10H

Our Goals and Requirements
Our goal is to push as much content as possible while not losing sight on our ultimate goal, to enjoy World of Warcraft.

Needs: Any exceptional players!
High Needs: Ranged dps / Healers / 1 tank

Contact: Swagner#7414 on disc, Swaggoner IG or you can email us at PredictiveGaming@outlook.com

I’ll keep this short, feel free to add if you have any questions. Content - Mal’Ganis is 10/10n 1/10h on a two day (Tue/Thur 8-11cst) schedule, the guild is comprised of working adults who aim to get C.E on a reduced schedule while having a good time. Raid atmosphere is huge for us and we want everyone to feel like the time the spend is valued and worth the commitment.

Btag: Doitwithdave#11545

Hello, we’re building a Team on Tichondrius[A] and we’re looking for a D00MK1N that desires consistency and support in a Mythic push at the following times:

Raid Times
TUE 7pm PT/Server
WED 7pm PT/Server
Doesn’t change during SL
Our next raid is a fun and quick pace N10/10 cross-server tonight to meet fellow players.
Our WED raid is a fun and quick pace Hx/10 cross-server to see who’s two-nighting already and is having a great time.

Current target is the switch to Mythic every TUE/WED 7pm and we gogo. I’d like to start this next week if we’re meeting enough prepared players.

Technology#6685 on Discord if it sounds fun.
We split up and do 3v3/Life/M+/BBQ if it’s THU-MON it’s all good, I have kids/wife etc.