LF Raiding Guild

Old Wow player coming back to the game and currently looking for a Raiding guild to play with.

I don’t have logs to share ATM and my current experience with Dragon Flight is very low Raid Wise.

Currently have every Class to 70 Mostly Main Enh shaman Since Classic wow 2004. Looking to play Demo Lock or Unholy DK in TWW. Open to other classes too.

I am free most Nights to raid.

Battle Tag is Wolfmanes#1495

sending you a friend request so we can chat

Hi Erëbüs, welcome back!
BiOL is looking for a few more raiders\M+ers. We are looking for Mythic raiders looking to prog and also fill in raiders who are more casual. Check us out below and if we seem like a fit give us a poke and we can chat or apply.
Have a great day and happy raiding!

Hi Erëbüs,

Welcome back - I sent you a friend request to chat.

<Bloody Sundae (H)> on Hyjal is recruiting. We have been around since 2007 and do guild structured content such as Raid N/H and mid-upper mythic+. Always looking for fun people to play the game with.

We raid Fri/Sat from 8-11pm PST

Look forward to chatting with you!

– Storm/Silver

Hey there.

New guild looking for members of all classes and roles to raid and do keys in TWW. We’re would like to push for AOTC and KSM, with anything further being dependent on who and how many are in the guild. Nothing is set in stone yet, but I anticipate raid times being from 7-10pm PST Wednesday and Sunday.

Those of us that founded the guild are pretty laid back and just want to kill things and make progress. The ability to come prepared and ready to play is one of the only requirements for acceptance. We’re very inclusive. We’re into stupid humor. We’re looking for people we want to spend time with.

Mmoargynn on discord
Mmoargynn#1987 on