LF raiding guild and one that runs Mythic+

Returning player looking for a guild to start raiding and run mythic +. I am willing to heal or dps whatever guild would need. Currently ilvl 200. I can raid any day except Tuesday. Would like one that starts raids 6 or later central time. You can message me in game or add my gamer tag Supositories#1445 and message me. I am willing to transfer server and faction change also.

Hello Battistelli,

Spiteful Misfits (Horde - Area 52) is recruiting people such as yourself interested in joining a new community of close knit members.

Formed by a semi-casual group of AOTC & KSM players who are looking for more people that are interested in clearing heroic raids, getting their keystone master achievement every season, or just hanging out.

Raid group is currently seeking DPS players. We raid current content still and will continue our main progression nights of Wednesday and Thursday evenings 9-11pm est. We run M+ daily and hang out in an active discord to pass the time while doing dailies and torghast together.

If interested please pm Rhawin, Syroxia, or Landø(alt 0248) in game/message Bluejay#1886, Land#1483, Akraz#1918.

1 Like

I think we would be a good fit.

We are an active and friendly guild that is willing to help new and old players alike. We foster a positive and drama free atmosphere and have low tolerance for anything else. Many of our players have been around since Vanilla and are willing to help with all aspects of the game.

If this sounds like something you would like to try contact;

Sylvysa in game

Hello there! I own a small, semi-casual guild on servers Rexxar/Misha named Wolves of the North. We’re rebuilding our roster to have a 12-15 player raid party that runs Fridays & Saturdays 9pm - 12am EST. 3/10H currently.

We’re all mature players, and have prior commitments in the real life. We’re all here to have fun, and run content together. No unrealistic hard-core goals set. No intense scheduling. Semi-casual AOTC mindset, with priority in having fun.

If you’re interested, my discord is zdunny69#4257, feel free to message me with any questions!

Daily bump.

I think we are exactly what you’re looking for, without sounding like a used cars salesman lol. See below and please feel comfortable reaching out whenever!

Terrible Idea is an Alliance-Sargeras guild that has formed in the wait for 9.1, consisting of multiple AOTC and early Mythic progression raiders. Our goal with each coming tier is to accomplish AOTC and KSM on as many characters as possible with zero nerd rage, maximum good times, and tons of great conversation about the sexiest features on Daddy Denathrius.

If you are a new or returning player, do not like your current guild’s activity level, or are simply looking for a change of scenery and ability to re-roll to a different class without scrutiny, we are the place for you.

We are not recruiting any specific roles but if you are feeling particularly altruistic we would love to welcome the below specializations:

Ranged DPS: Balance & Shadow
Melee DPS: Warrior, Havoc, & Enhancement
Healer: Restoration Shaman & Discipline Priest

Our raid times are below:

Wednesday and Thursday
Invites: 20:15 Server Time (21:15 EST)
First Pull: 20:30 Server Time
Last Pull: 23:00 Server Time

If you have any questions or we sound like a new home for you, please do not hesitate to reach out to the below:

Nakavi#1617 (me, the RL)
Kungfubanana#1420 (GM)

Sulfur#6731 (me, again)

Look forward to seeing you all in Sanctum of Domination!


Give us a look :slight_smile:

Hello Battistelli,

[Dragonmaw] - We are a guild of returners like yourself, We formed brand new at the end of may and started raiding the very beginning of June, After just a few resets we are already 10/10N and 7/10H CN, we raid Wed 8-11 Central and Saturday 10-1 Central. We are looking for more individuals to fill our core raid team, if you have any further questions you can add my Btag Invictus#12395 or Discord Karmazeus#3504 to chat more!

Hey there!

[US] [H] | White Lotus on Illidan is recruiting for Shadowlands! We are an active, LGBTQ+ friendly, and helpful guild that is trying to make it’s way through SL and move into 9.1. Our current raid time is Fri 8-11pm EST (5-8pm PST), with an additional second time of Tue 9pm-12am EST (6-9pm PST) starting July 6th, we are currrently 9/10 Heroic. Other than raiding, we also do mount runs, achievements, m+, Torghast, you name it!

For our raid team we are looking for DPS but are welcoming anyone, at any level, to join our community! We have a spot for everyone. Join us on discord or reach out on BattleNet to our Guild Master, Kretyn#1728 or myself, amyag#1972. We can’t wait to hear from you!

Discord username: amy#2891

I see you cant raid Tuesday but we’d be interested in talking about joining our Friday raid team!