LF OCE players to do M+ with [Mostly DPS/Tank]

Are you also sick of pugging? I’d love some regular friends to do any and all key levels. I play heals, mostly druid and disc priest atm. Over 2600 on my druid, I’ve healed some 20+ keys with guild but they’re super exclusive and have enough for their own push teams. I’m not very hardcore but I like a challenge with a coordinated group for higher keys, I also love just doing low or mid level keys to gear up alts or farm valor. I play with a dps friend but we tend to have to pug most of the time.

I’m active most nights from ~8pm - 11ish pm depending on commitments, not available wed/thurs due to raid.

Please add me if you’re friendly, fairly easy-going and not too toxic: thewhimsical#3641

P.S. I don’t have any key-ready dps yet unfortunately, I’m primarily a healer as I suck at dps, so I really need non-healer friends x.x

do u want to be my pocket healer? :smiley: