LF Nelf RP Guild

I am a Brazilian roleplayer and I am looking for a guild of night elves that follows the lore.
I would like to participate in events and join your druid group.
I am willing to learn and if necessary, make changes to my character’s history to better suit.

(My character on MoonGuard is level 107)


Welcome, sister!

There are many Kaldorei themed guilds on the server that I’m sure would be happy to take you in. Off the top of my head, Crescent Glaive and Ru Shallora Enudoril are solid choices from what I’ve seen, though you may have to dig a little and contact the officers of said guilds or expand the search to others, I’ve been out of the loop for months. Here are the recruitment threads of the two guilds I mentioned above:

I hope you find your guild soon, and welcome to Moon Guard.

Song of Nightfall and Kalimdor Enclave should still be around. However, there are several like my own and others that are on hiatus or are very lowkey (or their thread just needs a bump!).

There is a Moon Guard Kaldorei Discord you could join to peruse the RPers as well if you cannot find a home <3

I do not believe Crescent Glaive is currently recruiting. However I would say to reach out for Ru Shallora Enudoril. I have a blast anytime I swoop in for some RP nights :slight_smile:

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Hi! Hit me up anytime I’m on, I’ll happily drop everything to give you an IC interview at any place of your choosing. :slight_smile:


Not a guild, but I know someone is trying to get together a community of night elf roleplayers that might interest you.


I went through an interview at a guild but was not accepted.

I’m having some difficulties mainly because of the language. I’m not that fluent in English.

My intention is to learn more and have more experience in kaldorei roleplay to develop my character.

Thanks for answering me!

We will be delighted to have you in Ancestors Honorguard and the Moonsong Project community. :slight_smile: I’m not very well versed with other languages but I can load up google translate if I don’t understand something you say, Florbela. If it’s accurate anyway.