LF Late Night or Tues/Wed Semi-Hardcore Guild (A)

I am a returning player (+21) who finally has time to devote to raiding again. I am looking for a guild to grow with and hit Shadowlands hard. I am currently unsure of what I want to play when the XPAC comes out, but I have several toons that I am messing with. I can and will also play what the team needs. I can play all 3 roles comfortably. I can raid Tues/Wed anytime or any day after 9pm server time. Please contact me at Star#1620 or Aeronix in game or leave me your contact info. Thanks in advance.

Special Friends would be interested in speaking with you, even if you’re not looking to raid at this very moment and thinking more about dedicating that time in Shadowlands. We’re 5/12M and raid 9PM-Midnight eastern on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Hit me up @Cryogenix#1778 on Bnet or just whisper any online member of our guild in game and they can push you in the right direction to who else to speak with if I’m not around.

Still looking. Possibly going to main Monk (DPS/Heals and/or Tank), Hunter, DK (Frost/Blood), Shaman, or Ret Pally.

Hey there! i sent you a friend request Karl#12963 so we can discuss your interest! My guild is called “Team Boom Boom Bang”. We’re a relatively new guild but are growing fast. We run mythic dungeons almost every night and will start doing LFR next week as a guild, and once we get enough geared 120s we’ll be doing normal raids and push those to heroic and possibly mythic! hope to hear from you soon :slight_smile: