LF Home/Team

I am looking for a home and a team to raid with and I stress the word team. I currently have 3 toons which are a 263 BM Hunter, 260 Frost Mage, and a 250 Ret Pally that just hit 60 5 days ago. I am wanting to main the pally as ret is super fun to me and I have been wanting to get back to it.

I am willing to run another character until my pally meets a guilds ilvl requirements. I am also willing to transfer to another realm and I am wanting to stay Horde. Sorry Alliance guilds it’s a Horde life for me.

Feel free to hit me up here or in game at Protectmtdew#11463

Hello Protectyomom!

If you are open to coming to Thrall and doing a faction, you may be a good match for our guild Endless Pastabilities.

Endless Pastabilities was created to bring back that sense of guild community, building friendships that last beyond wow, and working together to accomplish the things WoW has to offer!

Our raid nights are Fri/Sat 9:30pm - Midnight server time/EST. We are currently 10/11 N & 5/11 H SOFO. Always room for DPS; we don’t currently have a mage, but if ret is what you prefer to play, that’s fine as well. 250 iLvl is fine for heroic raiding as the gear drops aren’t much higher.

We are very inclusive guild, and our GM currently has set aside Sunday early afternoon (1pmish or 2pm server time/EST), to help guildies run M+ 15s, so they get something nice in their weekly vault.

We are some how surviving the lull in WoW, and managing to raid without pugging, and have folks running M+ almost every day. Now, we’re not as jumping as we were a couple months back, but we are actively recruiting and there are folks on every evening and a few regulars during the day as well.

Personally, I am generally on at some point almost everyday running at least a handful of keys with guildies, and friends we have made with 2 other guilds.

Feel free and hit me up if you have any questions, or if you find yourself on Thrall… just do a search for “Pasta” in the in-game guild finder, and we should pop right up/

Have a good day/evening!

DeJaneiro#1166 (B-Net)
Jandek #3346 (Discord)

Hey man I sent you a discord and in game request would love to talk a bit.

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Hello Protectyomom,

While I’m happy to provide you with a home, free of charge and plenty of brothers and sisters, our camaraderie is on the alliance. You’ll find the qualities in helping new players is a bit lacking on the horde.

if you change your mind, my discord is Giauzer#8101, btag Giau#11835

Hello Protectyomom

I am a Recruitment officer for and we are looking to expand our core raid team to finish out heroic, as well as run higher keys. We are currently 8/11H, Lunar Blade is located on Mal’Ganis[H]. If you would like to learn more about us and our community we have created please take a minute and check out our Recruitment forum! No longer recruiting- Delete POST
Thank you :slight_smile: