I feel like you’re cheating there.
Candy canes and candy corn fall under the general candy category.
I feel like you’re cheating there.
Candy canes and candy corn fall under the general candy category.
Not according to Buddy the Elf.
I read somewhere that Will Ferrell actually got sick filming some of those scenes from eating so much garbage.
So… I’m not sure we should take nutrition advice from Buddy the Elf.
You live your life, I will live mine!
i bet your favorite game is candy land?
I was surprised how many people wrote Candyland off as a terrible game. So I wanted to write a case for this game.
Candyland is a 1949 game designed for three year olds. You have to understand that children as young as that have to wrestle with a lot of concepts that you don’t even think about:
the concept of playing against one another and winning or losing
the concept of taking turns
rules that you can’t change because you just want to
your pieces vs their pieces on the board
moving on the board, backwards and forwards, long route vs short route, all without knowing how to count
It takes time to learn all of the above and if you try to make it more difficult by including decision making from the get go the kids may just give up on the game. These kids just about learned the difference between “mine” and “yours” and to follow a three part command.
I feel like that might be copied from a Wiki entry somewhere?
Have you ever tried to purposely lose at Candyland so a kid can win. It’s harder than it would seem.
Warlock and holy paladin? Are our mages going to be fire or arcane for phase two?
Personally, I’ll be bank alt spec.
Word on the street is they are going arcane spec!
but you’re right - bank spec is the best.
Tuxedo and monocle are BiS if you are are bank spec.
Agree. Also time to go make a guild for your bank alts to stash all their stuff! Maybe I’ll name my new bank-alt guild “Monopoly”
That’s probably taken because WoW players have no creativity. You strike me as more of a Tiffany’s type of gal, anyway.
I did try to name my bank alts guild “Monopoly” but it was taken. Went with “Tycoon” instead.
Based on our convos in this thread you might want to go with “Candyland” for your bank guild name.
I have wood for sheep. Gonna go with Bankers of Catan.
OK here’s the joke for today…
Q: What did the buffalo say when he dropped his kid off at school?
A: Bison (bye son) - hahahaha
It’s less funny when you have to explain it.
i just wanted to make sure you could understand
I hear you have a mentoring program for new guildies. Could I be one of those (tor)mentors?
We do like to make sure all of our recruits feel welcome, happy, and comfortable.
Can you do that?
That’s a tough ask. I’m too busy to help because I’m stuffing my face with candy during raids.