LF healer and 1 dps to push keys with!

Howie doing everybody?! We are a group of 3 long time friends looking to add more to team to push next season! We all ended this season around 2.8-3k and would like to push rank 1 title next season! Our ultimate goal is to push keys and have fun while doing it, toxicity will never be welcome. One of our friends has a busy work schedule and can’t commit to “set” days, but will always be able to push 1-2 days a week later in the evenings, generally around 6PST onward. Our comp consists of a Prot pally, Boomy and Ret pally, so we would love to add a Resto shaman and Dh to the mix to fill the team. If you feel you might be a fit please add me on discord to discuss further! ( can pretty much guarantee i won’t check back here)

Brucesmorc#5347 - My discord