LF Hardcore raiding guild/ Returning to wow

Looking for a guild thats willing to help me progress through the bfa raiding content, so far ive hit a wall at il 455 because the rng of weekly chests arent giving me upgrades, and i cant find a group willing to push the bar on some mythics/heroics to achieve better gear. it seems like if your not overgeared for certain content you just wont progress, and i play wow for the content not the collections and transmogs. please help ! have discord and I am a daily player, who strives to learn everything possible to make myself a better wow player. My most active times are monday-friday 3pm-9pm central time , and any time over the weekends that im off of work., im currently based on spinebreaker

Hey there! < Simplicity > is a semi-hardcore, 3/12M on previous server but now on Area 52 Horde are looking to round our roster out.

We raid on a relaxed schedule at T/W 8-11 PM EST. Our heroic reclear nights are on Thursday 8 PM EST. Our raids are led by a former US Top 50 raider. However our raids are chilled and relaxed but serious when we try to get these bosses down.

Currently we are reclearing heroic just to get some ppl gear who are releveling and regearing after they transferred, so this may be a great time for you to get gear as well!

To expand our horizons, we are also in the process of forming an established M+ addict group within the guild (most guildies just grab each other and run keys. Since we just server transferred and some guildies are leveling alts, majority of us run keys around 15 but some want to push higher). Running these M+ key establish the community within our guild which strengthens the bond between guildmates during raids.

If you are interested in our guild, please feel free to reach out to me at Kae#11715 on bnet or Kae#4869 on discord (case sensitive). We can also do cross realm trials to see if we are a fit!

Hi Purpledaze,

I would love to chat with you about my guild, Raven Guard on Thrall, horde side. We may be what you are currently looking for.

We raid Tues and Weds, 8-10:30 PM EST, and looking for a hunter to join our team right now. I will leave my guild post below for you to look at, if interested, feel free to reach out to me or one of my recruiters, and we will be happy to chat!

Hey there purpledaze. Im with knightowls, a newer guild who looks to progress heroic and mythic raids. Currently we are recruiting more for our core members to push our numbers up to start pushing into mythic. We raid weekends from 9pm MST - 12am MST. Important info:
-US server - Stormreaver - Horde
-Saturday / Sunday Raid Days 9pm - 12am MST
-Heroic 12/12 with the intent to start Mythic progression
-Ranged DPS needed | Healer class needed


  • B-net: Wolf#16175 / Discord: Wolf {Ruff}#0354
  • B-net: Grymkhaos#1356 / Discord: Grymkhaos Badazz#9521

Hello, KnightOwls is a guild currently focused on Heroic flex and M+. Eventually we would like to get into some mythic progression before the end of BFA.

As for Shadowlands, our plan is to hit the ground running. We want to get into raiding ASAP, gear, and start mythic progression.

In addition, I am looking for people to create a Mythic plus team and push past 2k io with. Currently need DPS or a Tank to full the spots.

If you’re interested please feel free to contact us.