LF Guild on Kael’thas for returning player

Hi, Willy. <Murloc with a Glock> would be a great home for you to get back in the flow of the game. We are a newly formed but super active and friendly guild with many players for you to find groups with. We offer both a progression and casual raid experience so you can decide how you want to play, and have many members running all levels of keys and doing random content together. Basically, we all love helping new players and you can do fun stuff with cool people :slight_smile:

We are located on Thrall, but the good news is we don’t require transfers so you can save the money! I can give you more details about this if you are interested in joining. Let me know, I’d love to hear from you.

We raid Friday and Saturday from 7:30 to 10 pm CST.

You can reach me for any questions or to apply here:

Bnet: Astro#18157

Discord: mwgastro

And you can read our full posting here: