LF Guild on Illdian server

I took a break for a few months from wow and with the news of 8.2 I am looking forward to the changes and have hope!
I am currently 556 on my shaman, but hoping to either level my rogue and bring over, or my finish my monk if i can find a guild to come to! I enjoy doing pvp, islands, and really just want to do content with people. Not the biggest fan of dungeons, but if in a group will gladly do! Also do enjoy raiding as well. Just really looking for a nice social guild that does events and such together. Also don’t know why it posted on my druid.

Hey Khyt,

Hand of the Dark Lady is a small casual horde guild on the Illidan server.
We are a group of friends who casually raid maintaining a fun and mature environment while trying not to make WoW a second job.Big focus on family and community as we try to get AOTC and progress the Guild and its members.

We are recruiting to finish building out our raid team and have more mythic+ and pvp groups running.

We are growing slowly but need plenty more. Undergeared and leveling ok as we can help with that!

Raid Times:
Friday and Saturday start times 8-9pm central. We normally raid for 3 hours
ending at 11-12pm central.

Current Progress

you are encouraged to play the class you have most fun with.
all slots open come check us out!


More than welcome to come hop in with us, shoot anyone in guild a message for an invite