LF Guild on Faerlina (horde)

Hai there!

I am looking for a guild on Faerlina in preparation for ICC coming. I am working on getting up my priest (he’s almost 77, but we’re pounding out the levels).

I have 18 years of experience in World of Warcraft, specifically as a healer. I am wanting to raid ICC again, as it was my favorite time in the game. I loved healing that raid when it was current and it was back when I was a hardcore raider (before adulthood said no). I also enjoy doing dungeons (in retail, M+ is my preferred content) and I enjoy PVP (Except dragonflight pvp, which is a dumpster fire).

I can raid any night of the week, but I usually can’t promise I’ll be on until at least 7:30/8pm CST. I am a single dad and the baby usually goes down for the night between 7-7:30.

Hit me up if you have a guild that is drama free, no BS, chill folks who want to push up through heroic ICC. I’d love to become a part of the team! I have a few buddies I may be able to bring with me as well, since they’re also leveling toons in preparation for ICC. All of us cleared ICC regularly back when it was current on retail. :slight_smile:

I’d recommend using the server discord [Faerlina Reborn]

Try posting on that forum. This is the general section.

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You’re so strange.

Didn’t ToC JUST come out, why are you already prepping for ICC?

Try posting here.

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