LF Guild holy pally

** We are [US/H][Mal’ganis] | Invective | 10/10M Castle, and 4/10M Sanctum**


Weekend Team: 2 days

  • Fridays and Saturdays 7PM CST - 11:30 PM CST with two breaks. An hour might be added during progression to both days before raid*.

Guild Background:

Invective’s raid team is a 10/10M Castle, 4/10M Sanctum guild on Mal’ganis and we’re focused on cutting edge. We raid Friday/Saturday 7pm CST-11:30PM cst

Filled with CE raiders we’re currently looking for a few more to fill out our roster for progression. We are a group of friends and guildies who just enjoy raiding with each other so our raid environment is very chill and has a zero tolerance for toxicity.

We have a huge community of guildies who enjoy hanging out, m+, PVP, and sometimes we get events together such as tmog runs, jackbox games, etc!

Currently we are looking for:

  • Tanks: FULL
  • Healers: Disc Priest priority, other exceptional healers; need two of them!
  • DPS: Exceptional DPS

Contact Info

If you’re interested please fill out this application. If you have any questions feel free to message me personally on battletag. Bonfires#11791

  • forms.gle/McqkzMngUmhjJvMo7

Thank you!

We are definitely looking got more healers and players in general who want to run keys and raid. Our current forum post is pasted below as well my btag if you would like to know more:

Enshadowed - US TRALL - 10/10N 3/10H is recruiting for SoD

Currently trying to refill the roster due to everything going on with blizzard, the lawsuit and people sudden (and streamer minded) love for FFXIV. The Attendance Boss is nasty. We are currently looking for anyone that wants to raid (we are willing) to start over with normal and working back towards aotc. New players, people coming back to the game and re-rolls who want to be part of a raid team that likes to have fun and kill bosses more than welcome to reach out. We are a chill group and have no issues helping people gear as long as they want to be part of the guild and part of a team for the long haul.

We are focused on AOTC each tier and then hoping to push Mythic if attendance and time allow us. Raids are Tues/Thurs 9-11:30p Eastern.


1 heals
DPS - Would love to see Death Knight, WW Monk, Shadow Priest, Demon Hunter, Balance Druid and mage but all DPS are welcome

Again, Raid times are: Tuesday and Thursday: 9pm to 11:30pm Server (EST is server time)


We are currently looking for players who can spec as a tank, heals for mythic plus as we all push toward the goal of KSM and are tired of the pug life and have the goal like we do of having multiple mythic plus teams within the guild.


Returning players, Mythic Plus Busters and anyone looking for a home is also welcome to join and be part of our community.

Want to know more? Whisper: BATTLENET Id: Ree#1799 or DISCORD: Kayliee#7155 for more details.

Hello! I’m from the Horde guild Overtuned on Zul’jin. We are an AOTC focused guild looking for a healer to replace one who could no longer make our schedule. We raid Thursday and Friday 7-10pm EST. We are 7/10H SoD.

We are an 18+ guild. We also have a few people who have KSM and who plan on getting it.

PM me on Discord Archmage Galacius#1482 or on Btag: Galacius#11496

Hey there! We run a lot of keys - can actually use a healer that does a lot of keys! And we are an older crowd. Hit me up on bnet Stevelations#11594 if you’d like to chat!

Welcome to After Nightfall! We are an adult late-night raiding guild on Tichondrius. Our focus is to clear cutting edge content while keeping to a two day raid schedule with a possible optional day for either farm content or that last little push for a final kill! We are an experienced group ranging from vanilla to the most current expansion.

While we want to achieve CE this tier… we recognize a healthy balance with real life and have started raiding late evening to accommodate. We want to build a roster of steady raiders with a deep bench so we continue to progress and again… maintain life balance. I would say the average age of our guild is upper 20s to low 30s; many with families.

Tuesday and Wednesday 9:30pm PST - 12:00am PST

We have a steady group and usually running 2 teams almost daily.

Holy Paladin
Tanks (FOR M+ ONLY)

• BE ON TIME!!! (Form up at 9:15pm, First pull at 9:30pm PST)
• Know the in’s and out’s of your class/spec
• Be familiar with each boss by watching videos on YouTube or reviewing strats
• Use Deadly Boss Mods/BigWigs, Weakauras, Method/Exorsus Raid Tools and RC Loot Council addons
• Keep chatter to a minimum during boss encounters
• Run at least 4 M+ dungeons a week to be considered for Mythic roster
• All individuals will be required to perform their assigned role efficiently. It is possible that in the interest of remaining effective progression, some may be asked to sit out for certain bosses or content.
• Above all HAVE FUN!

Does this sound like your kinda group?
If this sounds like a good fit for you please check out our guild, logs, and apply. Please apply if interested.

Hello Snackkpack, I’m Neithia, the GM of an 18+ guild: Blacklisted-Thrall!

We’re currently looking for a holy paladin for our raid team.

If you’re not interested in raiding that’s okay! We’re always welcoming more healers for M+ within the community.

Current prog: 9/10H SoD, we raid on Tues & Weds 9pm est to 11:30pm est.

Would love to chat more to see if we’d be a good fit.

  • Neithia#1315

Check out our Forums post for more info on our Guild!


Order of the Sliver Hand is a new guild on Stormrage looking for new members to join our guild and community. Our guild is founded on a “bring the player not the class” mentality and is a place where all experience levels are welcomed. All events will be organized and will offer a helpful learning and content progression experience. If you’re someone that lacks experience, however, is willing to learn and put the work in, this is the right place for you.

The Order of the Sliver Hand participates in:


Raid: Our goal is to achieve AOTC in each tier. Our RL is 9/10 Heroic, 2/10 mythic and we are currently 5/10 Normal. We are recruiting all classes and roles of various experience levels for our progression. Our plan is to clear 10/10 Normal Sanctum of Domination and then progress into Heroic.

Schedule: Tuesday/Thursday: 8:30PM - 11:00PM EST/SERVER TIME

Mythic+: Our goal is to achieve Keystone Master for 90%+ of our core raiders in each season. Our plan is to run mythic + dungeons following raid nights and as able on off nights to ensure everyone gets their weekly 15 key for the week.

Schedule: Tuesday/Thursday: 11:00PM - 12:00AM EST/SERVER TIME, *As able on off nights (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday)


Rated Battlegrounds: Our goal is to achieve 1800 rating in each season. We are recruiting all classes and roles of various experience levels for our progression. Post RBGS we will as a guild do 2s, 3s, random battlegrounds for fun and additional experience.

Schedule: Sunday: 8:30PM - 10:00PM EST/SERVER TIME

If you’re interested in doing PVE and PVP content with us or would just like to join the guild feel free to contact Ratayu or Challenges. Contact information below:

Ratayu: BTag:Ratayu#1694, Discord:Ratayu#0795, In Game: Ratayu-Stormrage

Challenges: BTag:khalil#1948, Discord:back#1920, Challenges-Stormrage

Not ready to make the commitment to join the guild, join our community here: https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/invite/kMwbvo7Hd02?region=US&faction=Alliance

If you have some time, I think it would benefit us both to chat on discord, Wheysted#5158

Hey Snackpack, Persistent-Thrall might be just the fit for you. We are an active aduilt guild looking for heals for our Raids and M+ runs. If your interested contact me on discrord at Coco#6386 or B-Tag at Cocopfull#1627…Look forward to hearing from you. :slight_smile:

Hey bud we are 4/10M and LF more. HMU. Quick spam.

Quick Bio
We are Inconceivable, a newly formed guild on Area 52. We have been clearing content together since 2015 and have recently created a new guild under new ownership! We have a fun, friendly, relaxed environment both in raid and outside of raid with the goal of pushing for CE each tier.

Attendance: Each and every raiders is expected to have 90% attendance. Players who cannot maintain 90% attendance will be sat on the bench and will remain in that spot until they can prove otherwise.
Consumables: each raider is expected to have full consumables. That means, food, flask, pots (enough for pre and post pulls) vantus runes, augment runes, oils, and armor kits. As we supply flask, food, and usually vantus runes, we still expect them to be in your bags.
Knowledge of class: Nobody is the forefront expert on their class. We expect all raiders to understand their class, and keep putting in the effort to be better.
Knowledge of fights: An understanding of all fights that the guild may be progressing on and farming.
Attitude: Always have a good attitude. Many of us come to raid because it is our escape from the real world. If you cannot come and wipe on a progression boss all night while keeping a good, positive, fun attitude, you may not want to inquire.

Raid Times
Wednesday/Thursday 10pm-1am EASTERN
Optional Night: Tuesday 10pm-1am est.

What we need
Healer - ANY

Discord: Vergina#7454
Battle.net: Hombre#11109

You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means

Hey there Snack! We’re mostly “retired” prog raiders just kicking it back and taking it easy. Mostly aotc oriented, but we have a bunch of other stuff going on all the time. I’ll drop the usual spam below with my contact details, hit me up if we sound like we might be a good fit! Good luck in your hunt :slight_smile:

lf hPALS

Hi Snack!
BiOL has been around since wotLK and is always looking for more people. Most of guild is 30+ , and just want to let people be themselves, down bosses, and have fun doing it. Check us out below and if interested, give us a poke!
Good luck :+1: