LF Guild - Frostmourne

Hey returning player here looking for a Heroic guild.

I have previous Mythic exp. but happy to settle for a guild that wants to clear Heroic as efficient as possible & possibly a few early Mythic bosses for vault.

I will be maining Spriest and will have a lot of focus on pushing keys. Ideally to reach top 1% each tier. (Just a personal goal :slight_smile: )

Available any day of the week and my preferred times are 7-10pm ST but can slightly be adjusted.

I enjoy being efficient as possible by constantly simming my character and keeping up to date with my class discord.

I will be playing MoP remix as well.

Leave your discord down below and I’ll reach out as soon as I can. Thanks for reading.

Hi Coap!

Perception might be what you’re looking for! We’re a newer guild focused on running heroic raid for gear (with a couple of Mythic for vault) so we can push keys.

If you’re interested, feel free to reach out to ‘fezleme’ on disc

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