LF Guild - Alliance +8 GMT Friendly

Based in Western Australia and just wondering if there are any established guilds friendly to this timezone taking in new members?


+1 would love to find a GMT+8 guild. I have toons on both sides

Redux is mostly Perth GMT+8 but we’re Horde side on Remulos.
Just a small social guild at this stage but new members are welcome :slight_smile:

Also in WA and looking for a guild. Something not overly big, with co-operation and progression being the name of the game, and where the guild chat isn’t Beavis and Butthead 24x7.

Currently lvl 50 and looking to do end-game dungeons without having to constantly hope a group is forming in the zone.


Khaz, Lvl 50 Hunter

A[For Instance] small and quiet guild, just looking for more friends.

I am also looking for a Guild which is +8 GMT friendly. 42 Gnome Mage in SG here.