LF Friends to make the game less boring

The title speaks for itself. I’m quite lonely playing this game as of right now. It has resulted in me logging in and afking out. :confused: I’m more casual than I used to be, my peak was Pandaria for raiding and arenas. If you’re interested in playing with a casual player add me :> YunoGasai#11138

Add me Chapin#11552 I have the same problem

Hey yall hows it going. I got 4 friends into playing the game. Lowest level one is 52 right now. Not everyone’s schedules link up all the time. But we are on horde Thrall server. If you all wanna maybe play together sometime add me I believe its faultline#11185. We are laid back would like to do some mythic dungeons eventually but the fact that there is usually only 3 of us on at a time means we need to pug a tank or healer through random dungeons and the meta seems to be overly hyper speed running Chad’s who dont give 2 craps about the newer people trying to learn content. Would love to have some friendly ppl. Take care =)