LF CE Guild

We got a home for you check us out! Any good dps and heals welcome. immediate raid spots available.

[H] Sanctuary is a large gaming community with a great WoW base. Semi Hardcore raiding progression guild. Only months old but already into Mythic! 3/12m

Raid Times:
Thursday:10p-1a (CST) (this would be 11-2a EST, or 8p-11a PST) NOT MANDATORY but encouraged for those who still need gear from Heroic Ny’lotha

Friday: 10p-1a (CST) (this would be 11-2a EST, or 8p-11p PST) Mythic

Saturday: 10p-1a (CST) (this would be 11-2a EST, or 8p-11p PST) Mythic
(we are considering adding more days, but times would most likely remain the same)
====Realm Cluster====
[Gurubashi] [Aegwynn] [Hakkar] [Daggerspine] and [Bonechewer]

Feel free to contact us if you have more questions:
Go to Arktuary(dot)com and discord info is on front page
If you join discord, select WoW icon in the #auto-roles section to be able to see the WoW channels.

You can add us as a friend via discord:

You can also add us to btag: