LF casual raid/leveling guild Alliance

Hey everyone, I just started classic this week. Currently lvl49 warrior and I have a 33 paladin as well. I raid on retail in a top 100 guild but, I’m kinda over it right now. So I’m kind of just looking for some friends to make on classic and possibly raid with them. I don’t mind rerolling or playing whatever spec if I like the guild and they need something. I’m not super affectionate about the loot I get, I just want to have fun. I cleared AQ40 in vanilla and was like 11 at the time. So I’ll do everything I can to get BiS but, it’s not the end of the world. My Bnet is Chuubers#1220, my discord is Chuubers#0407.

Let me know if interested. TY!

Hello! Here is our guild info. Plz feel free to contact me if interested. GL!

[A] of Whitemaine Server is Recruiting

Looking for a highly-competent Alliance raiding guild on a more balanced PVP server? ThunderCats of Whitemaine server is recruiting for our West coast, raid night TBD. This semi-hardcore groups needs mele in particular and will consider dedicated raiders of all classes.

We’re a guild from Nostalrius server led by expert PVE and PVP leadership. Our most recent MC clear time was 44 mins. We’re currently getting ready for BWL and can train new players. Wishlist loot system.

Interested? Message me on battle.net: Pixiestixie#1256

Thunder Cats, Hoooooooooooooo!

Hi there! We are in need of a few more raiders before BWL. We are a fun bunch too! Let me know if you need anymore info :slight_smile:
Please delete

Hey! We would love to have you join Unity, an Alliance guild on Whitemane. We have a great group that have built up an amazing community. Come check out our discord and website to learn more about us

discord.gg /h2AqqBC

Unity-Whitemane .com

You should think about Einherjar!