LF casual raiding guild and good folks

Hey there,

Looking for a decent group of folks that likes to kill bosses and work towards progression, but not take themselves too seriously. Happy to move servers for the right fit.

Edit, hoping to finish raids no later than 11:00 EST. Can do 2 days with occasional 3rd.

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Hey! If there’s one thing I can say about us its that we definitely dont take ourselves seriously lol. Check out our recruitment post and if it sounds like we might be a fit for you HMU, would like to chat :)! [H] <Safehouse> Area 52 recruiting for SoD! - #2 by Schmiitty-aerie-peak

HI there!

I think you would be a great fit for Ibyish Clan! We’re a long-standing casual guild on the Garona/Icecrown/Malygos server, and we’re currently looking for a few more reliable dps for our raid team! We’re pretty laid back, and like to have fun (but also like to get things done in-game). We raid Wed/Sun from 8:30-10:30 EST, and do mythic+ on our off nights. We aim for AOTC each tier.

If this sounds like the guild for you, I’d love to chat! My bnet is Riv#1381, or, if you prefer, discord is Shumai#2078. Thanks, and I hope to hear from you soon!

Heya! We’re a casual guild that raids Sunday/Monday 9-11:30 pm est (some people leave earlier as their schedule demands). We also run M+, legacy and achievement hunts throughout the week. Would love to chat with you! bnet: TheLibrarian#11426

Hey there, you just described what our guild is like so I wanted to reach out and see if Alliance could be discussed? We’re currently only in need of another healer but we could talk about adding a Ret or a flexxer onto the team, hit us up if we interest you and if not then good luck on your search!

Chaotic Neutral is an established semi-hardcore guild located on Alliance Turalyon, while we aren’t a hardcore CE push guild we do like to push as far as we can into mythic with a relaxed and chill raid environment, we raid Tues/Weds from 7:30-10:30 pm EST with an optional Saturday Normal/alt night in the same time frame. As of writing this we are 10/10N, 8/10H & 1/10M with a few attempts on Heroic Kel’Thuzad.

I’ll leave all our additional info below but if you’re interested then please put in an app on our guild site or add one of the btags to get in contact, hope to hear from you and if not then good luck on your search!

Guild Site: http://www.cnguild.org/
Wow Prog: https://www.wowprogress.com/guild/us/turalyon/Chaotic+Neutral
Forum Post: [A] <Chaotic Neutral> Recruiting for Shadowlands!
Btags: GM - Wandappy#1921 | Recruitment - GingerHeals#11438

Hello Applejuice!

Veterans of Far Realms is an alliance guild on Stormrage! We are a progressive raiding guild. We started as a reroll guild in April, and now we are looking to flesh out our raid team. The pillar of the guild is our focus on community! We have a strong social foundation, and are very accepting.

We also strive to be AOTC in 9.1 and beyond. We offer a place where you can raid, and have competent leaders and team members that can clear content, and offer a place to improve and learn, without the stress.

We also do M+ runs, time walking dungeons/raids, transmog/mount farming, and just anything that sounds fun and enjoyable.

We also want to emphasize we are new player, and new raider friendly! So if you’ve always wanted to raid but felt behind, or too new, we offer a place to learn and experience things with a group that understands!

Raid Team Benefits:

  • Guild Repairs

  • Guild Enchants/Gems

  • Guild Feasts/Cauldrons

  • Guild Oils

  • Relaxed yet competent leadership and progression

Raid times are Fri/Sat 8 PM EST!

If you’re interested please add a recruiter on one of the following:

Discord: Purple_86#9819

Bnet: Purple86#1959

Thanks for reading!!

Hey Applejuice, we are Tom Sellecks Mustache on Thrall (Est) and we raid from 7-9:15pm Tuesday and Thursday. Take a look at our guild information and if you are interested hit me up for a chat.
Good luck in your search.

**Tom Sellecks Mustache a Normal/Heroic Raiding Guild on Thrall (Since 2015) is looking for a more friends to join us. **

At Tom Sellecks Mustache we value the player above all, so we recruit the person behind the mask not the toon. We look for people that want to be part of a family, people that enjoy logging on to be part of a community, and people that remember that this is “a Game”, and it’s supposed to be fun.
TSM is made up of mature adults and we have no time for drama or elitist players, we play the game for what it is “A Game”. We laugh and carry on in Discord while we raid, but we try not to take ourselves too seriously, so we just run back and try again when we die. With a little effort and some encouragement, we get the job done and are able to sit back and laugh about our mistakes but celebrate and enjoy our success.


As a mustachioed person in this guild, I would like to add the following. Mature means that we cut up and have a good time, all the while being respectful, not hurtful. We taunt, cajole, exhort, and tease each other, but never losing an undertone of kindness and a regard for our fellow mustachers.
PS. If you are on the heal team, none of this may apply. :wink:

I came over from Alliance and another server, but the cost was so worth it! This is the most fun I have ever had in a guild. All I had to do was listen to them raid in Discord, and I knew I had found my home. Such a great community, there is always someone online, the people are friendly and helpful, and no one yells when you make a mistake.

I come from many years of progressive raiding but really got burned out and wanted a guild that was much more of a relaxed environment. I found that with TSM, I really enjoy raiding again. No one gets mad or rages, we just laugh and have fun while we raid.

Currently Seeking:

DPS with tank offspec
DPS with Heals off spec to fill if needed
Shadow Priest

Raid Schedule:

Tues./Thur. 7:00pm - 9:15pm EST

What we are looking for from You:

We are an Adult guild, most of us have careers/families etc., and understand that sometimes Real Life happens. That being said our time is valuable and we are looking for players that can consistently make it to the raids. We aren’t looking to be server firsts, but we don’t want to be last either. (Aotc is our ultimate goal in each expansion)

If you are looking for a positive raiding/gaming experience without all the Min-Max Elitist, then you might just be Mustache enough, and we may be the right guild for you. Come talk to us you will not be disappointed.

NOTE: We are accepting returning players that are just looking for a family community and a place to hang out and have fun.
We are an Adult only Guild and require our members to be at least 25 years old.

Contact: Zuul#1119 more information.
“There is No Dana, ONLY ZUUL!”

The Foreshadowing is a laidback group of people who just like to have fun. We are casual and easygoing but are also like to go as far as we can in raids. We are non-toxic. Basically we just want people who know how to play there class and learn from mistakes (because mistakes happen). We like to have fun and joke around while we are playing. Our raid times will be Tuesday/Sunday 7-930server. We are looking for some healers and DPS (a monk would not be a bad thing) We are kind of in the process of building back up. Life has kind of hurt our membership lately. We are currently 5/10N SOD. If we interest you feel free respond to this post or contact me in game bnet is Crazyirish61#1337.

Thank You for your time.

The #1 Horde Raiding Guild – Moon Guard

The Mutiny was founded in June 2020 by a group of players who value a good attitude and effort. Some who were new to BFA and some who had prior raiding experience. Most of us play every day. We are a Jack of All Trades guild; we mostly raid Mythic difficulty but also run M+ and PvP of all difficulty levels. We also have alternate raid runs for Heroic and Normal difficulties.

Anybody is welcome to join. On Mondays we host Open Raiding for any guildie who meets the minimum ilvl requirements to do Normal/Heroic raids. We also do M+ and are always willing to help players get better and farm KSM achievement. We host weekly guild activities, social activities, and will occasionally run contests. We have a strong community of LBGT+ and allies. If you’re interested in being social, doing M+, Heroic or Mythic at all feel free to message us in-game for a guild invite!

Mythic Raiding:

We have a Mythic push group and it raids ONLY 2 nights, even during progression. Our goal will be to push for AOTC and then see how far we can go into Mythic each tier. Nya’lotha was our first attempt where we reached 5/12 M. Our team does not stress following the meta and we recruit off-meta players who excel at their class and mechanics!

  • Schedule**: Tues & Thur 7:00-10:30 PM CST** [5:00–8:30 PM PST| 6:00–9:30 PM MT| 8:00 – 11:30 PM EST]. Invites go out 15 minutes prior to the beginning of raid.
  • Recruitment Needs: Ranged DPS (Frost/Arcane Mage).
  • Current Progress - 6/10H Sanctum of Domination

Shoot me a message!

  • Mordinis - (Battle.net) MightyElf#1107 / (Discord) LordofLag#6969

Hi Applejuice,

Are you available to swap servers? If so, Here We Go Again might be your new permanent home! We are 10/10N, 5/10H SoD, finishing 8/10M in CN last tier. We raid Tuesday and Sunday 8-11pm EST. Super funny and laid back guild, who enjoy heroic and mythic progression.

Please feel free to reach out on discord to our RL joyner#1046 (bnet: joyner#11648) or our other officers Curves#5760 and Holypower#6874


(Has Many Wrinkles) - Is a Semi-hardcore Raiding and M+ guild on US-Stormrage, looking for consistent players with a good attitude to join our raiding teams to push for end game content!

Raid Times & Days:
Weekday Team: Tuesday & Wednesday -10pm to 1am EST - 7/10 Heroic Prog

Weekend Team: Saturday & Sunday - 7pm to 10pm CST - 7/10 Normal Prog

Current Progression: has two different teams so that we can encompass multiple types of players who wish to see end game content! A lot of the raiders in the guild take part in both teams, here in our guild we don’t believe in an “A Team” and a “B Team” we are all aiming for the same goal, just at different paces.

Applications and Admittance: Raiders - Every raider will be required to submit an application for full admittance to the raid team, no exceptions. Vetted players may have a shortened trial period but are still expected to adhere to the expectations to a normal trial. Raiders and Trials are allowed to every raid.

Attendance and Attitude: This is a game, not a second job. That said we still will respect each other’s time, consistent absence without notice will risk your raid spot. Attitude is also a very big deal for us, progression is about learning, do not expect bosses in the middle of the raid to go down in a week.

Requirements: - We’re looking for people who the drive to research, someone who wants to continuously improve and sharpen their skills, as well as people who can commit to our raid times consistently. As we are aiming to move into Heroic & Mythic Asap.

1. As we are progression focused guild we ask our raiders to be above 220 iLvl, within reasonable cap of Renown (Unless you have made a swap recently. If you have, please let us know!)

2. 235 iLvl Legendary or the Ability to get one fairly quickly. We understand folks are trying out new classes and specs. Be transparent with us when inquiring about joining!!

3. Can Vibe with the crew, and are willing to commit and be ready to learn!!

Current Recruitment Needs:

Weekday Team: Two Healers (Holy Paladin & Mistweaver Preferred) and Ranged DPS (Warlock).

Weekend Team: Tank (Druid or Death Knight Preferred) and Ranged DPS. All Roles are welcome for Mythic+, Leveling, Pvp, and More!!

Recruitment Contacts:
JTroubz - GM: Discord: Jtroubz#1505
Tonilyn - Recruitment Officer: Discord: Tonilyn#8643 | BNet: Tonilyn#1112

heralds of nightmare on stormrage is currently recruiting!
We raid Saturday and Sunday 9:30pm EST to 12:30am EST. We are a laid back friendly guild. We are looking to push Heroic. We are currently 10/10N .we aren’t the hardcore type.

We like to say that wow is just a game like any other and you can hear us on discord just BS’ing one another and having a good time while raiding. We still get the job done!!

We run keys on a fairly daily basis and sometimes we do nothing and just poke at each other!

I will try and reply to messages here but it’s best to reach me on discord @ opal#2584
Looking forward to hear from you!!!

We’re pretty casual, We’re mostly good folk and we just got a bunch of other good new folk.