LF Carry from 1267 to 1400

Just saw this in trade chat from a 200 ilvl player. Rat Leagues really that tough? Seems crazy you can’t windowlick your way to 1400 anymore (unless you RBG)

Lol and after you get into 1400 it’s nothing but carries.

This makes me question whether they changed something mathematically with the ladder. I mean I thought 1400 used to be a free rating basically.

1400 is basically free. I mean I guess it’s all relative…

We are playing a blizzard game that is notorious for making people chase the carrot at the end of the stick. If the season is more active then there would be more players dispersed throughout the whole bracket at various ratings. Instead, only 10% of the playerbase is 1688+. I’m not saying I believe blizz screwed with their own rating system but I definitely would not put it past them when rating affects their gear progression system.


Seems suspect for sure. 1200 is so sweatyy

Then the previous deadest bracket rbgs is now conveniently the easiest one to gain cr in it adds another level of sus.

I don’t really care though. I’m addicted to wow and will play regardless as long as I’m having fun.


Preach sister

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i think the weird rep you see is moreso the crowding of PvE players weighing the bottom end heavily

also i’ve always wondered just how good wow players really are; one can imagine that the greater the partcipation/population the higher the amount of competition is due to the talent pool expanding

And they likely don’t play enough games to actually move up the ladder, would make sense

:face_with_monocle: :thinking: :clown_face:

there’s more r1 spots in 8 weeks of shadowlands s1 arena then there were at the end of 38 weeks of corrupted season

participation def up rn

hmm i’m new and got to 1500 easily on this char. like in 80 games or something
but ngl i couldn’t break it on my paladin cuz i’m horrible at paladin lmao, it felt so much easier on my priest for whatever reason (prob cuz bad) kek. but also the people i faced seemed way better.

Over the years what is considered “free” rating has changed, back in WoTLK 1600 was basically a joke where people keyboard turned all the way up to 1400 at least. Now you face people doing carries, and 215 ilvl.

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Yes. They slowed down gear intake from pve so it makes sense they would slow it down for pvp as well. The problem is for pvp they have slowed down the number of people who progress but the people who get the rating progress very quickly. Far faster than pve allows.

And, that creates massive incentive for carries.

I think a combo of more players playing and mmr being so inflated last season people think they are 400-500 rating better then they actually are

Wow, that’s astonishing. 50% of people that have tried 2v2 have been unable to break past the first gear gate. It’s me. I’m part of that group. I got to 1356 in week 2, played 90 games with a WW and we started and ended 1300, floating between 1250 and 1350. I’ve been bleeding out 2s rating ever since week 2, at least i’m not alone I guess. Thank god for RBGs.

Fun fact: If you’re above 1600 cr you’re in the top 10% of all wow PVP’ers.

Also… git gud scrub

bro… you ok? you might need glasses or something

It’s not free unless you’re running a real comp with decent gear. If you play with friends to just cap out conquest and honor on alts, you won’t hit 1400 and even if you do, you won’t hit 1600 for sure.

This isn’t BFA, it’s time to let the mindset of “1400 is free” go. I have multiple alts with many games played, and do you know what spec/rating they are?

Fire Mage 210ilvl/1792
Aff Lock 200Ilvl/1430
Arms war 180ilvl/1500s
Ele sham 195ilvl/1300s

This is in 2s and I always run with a friend to cap honor/conq. We run comps such as: ele/ret, aff/boom, Fire/Ww or fire/sub or frost/spriest.

Most matches on my aff I get deleted in the first 30 seconds. On my mage we win way more often but it feels bad. I know it’s broken, you can feel it. On my war, I have 0 gear and no healer so it’s fast games. On my ele, he gets whoever still needs cap for the week.

So I wouldn’t call it free. You actually need to play a decent comp and coordinate somewhat or you’ll just get trained and blown up by 210ilvl+ @1400.

By the way, I have 2k xp and my friend has 2.1xp.

In 3s 1600s I’ve seen more than enough groups landings some great cc onto healers. Storm bolt, into fear, into silence, into sheep, etc. either people are actually getting a lot better at lower rankings, or it’s just the same old chaps who play at higher ranking on their alts.