LF An Early Morning Raiding Guild, Experienced Healer

Old Vanilla player looking to get back into raiding, LF a Guild who is willing to push end game content. Experienced Priest/Druid healer. I work second shift and am unable to raid at late evening times so im looking for a guild that raids in the morning (CT time). Willing to realm transfer.

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Would you be able to make 11:30pm to 2:00am CST, and consider alliance?

If so, here’s link to our recruitment post:

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Currently not looking for late night raiding, the time frame would also be very tight as i normally do not return from my job until 11:30-12:00. However that my be subject to change in the next month or so. I have no issues with swapping to alliance outside of have little experience with them. If its fine with you ill keep you in mind for if/when i reconsider hours. Thank you for taking the time to reply.

Hello Taptap

Illidan [H] is 11/12M looking for raiders looking to get CE. We are a MORNING raiding guild. We currently have two raid teams, main raid team that is 11/12M currently working on Nzoth and raids WED/THU/FRI 8AM (NOT PM) to 11AM CST. Our second raid team raids Mondays 5/12M 8AM-11AM.

If this interests you let me know,

Withoutt#8803 -Discord
Without#1930- Bnet