Hey Evigheden (And Visaerion) - Markwahlbear from Visibly Confused here. Not sure what times exactly you are looking for, but if you are looking for a little later than normal Eastern, please give me a shout on discord to talk further. We are all older adults who raid AOTC and KSH/KSM in M+. Raids are 730pm - 10pm Pacific (That is 1030pm - 1am Eastern) please note, THIS IS WHEN WE ARE MOST ACTIVE, there are people online a bit earlier than that as well, but most all guild activities will happen around that time. So far we are 7/8 VotI , 9/9 ATSC and 9/9 ATDH of Heroic Awakened. We do alt runs, achievement runs, etc! We do NOT raid Mythic or plan to in TWW. We do plan on goofing off in MoP remix if that is interesting to you.
We are mostly Horde however, so if that does line up well with what you are looking for, I understand.
My discord is markwahlbear if you do want to talk more.
I will drop our full gspam below. Best of luck in your search(es)! Have fun brave adventurers.