Lf a friendly guild

Hey my names Adiris, im a lvl 60 holy preist ( my Character doesnt show up… )
im just looking for a guild to play with, i do pretty much whatever. dungeons raids or whatever. im new-ish but have a grasp on the game.
if you are down to inv me let me know,

discord: adiris#4139
battlenet: Adiris#1710

feel free to add me for more info or to chat. if discord doesnt work add my battletag and msg me. or reply on here with your discord.

feel free to hit us up

Sinafay: Btag – Kitsune#1784; Discord – Sinafay#3443
Chewtabacca: Btag – Chewtabacca#11193; Discord - Pookiejones#1829

IngloriousBastardos -Korgath is looking for people interested in doing Mythic + and raiding and PVP.

We are a progressive guild that is looking to have two Raid teams for DF.
We are a cross fraction guild. Not only do we have an alliance guild but horde also. No need to fraction change to come join us.

We like to keep things fun and relaxed regardless of what we are doing. We are friends and teammates first. We like to progress and grow but we are also family oriented, and know we all have a life outside of the game. We are an 18+ guild.
If you are Interested please message Zanaria

Discord- Shamshieldz #4137
Bnet- DireRaven#1545628