Levels to quickly

I finished the Pandaren starting zone at level 20 instead of 10 and now all of my gear is bad lol. Does anyone have any ideas about how to catch up with gear?

Dungeon finder will probably give frequent enough drops. Otherwise, just do quests. You’ll accumulate gear eventually, and, with the way quests scale, the gear will be relevant at your level.

Sadly the leveling experience gets rough (wrt gear) when you don’t have Heirlooms. =\

I would recommend queuing for dungeons as dps to get a few pieces. Your gear is likely not good enough to tank ATM.

quest will catch you up with gear, but gear isn’t important at such early levels, on a side note, MG has a good auction house, could look for some deals.

Honestly I wouldn’t worry about it too much unless you’re looking to tank dungeons. With the current XP boost, you’re pretty much guaranteed to be outleveling your gear. For example, the paladin I’m leveling just hit 100 & is ready to leave Draenor for the Broken Isles, but she’s still wearing several armor pieces from Pandaria. It doesn’t seem to be slowing her down at all.

Hello Champ I have had a similar problem until I turned off exp gain if you are horde you need to go to ogrimmar and meet a NPC named Slahtz if you are alliance you need to go stormwind to stormwind keep. This prevents you from leveling up from quests or dungeons or battlegrounds so you can grind until you get perfect gear for your level then simply pay 10g and you can change it back to normal!

This is a bad idea. You can run some dungeon finder dungeons and get current blue gear fast. The random queue rewards a piece every run and you also get them from boss drops.

When the 100% exp buff was due to expire thousands of players on the GD section of the forums begged for it to be extended…while your stopping exp for gear that will be obsolete the next day.