Leveling Via BGs for Fun PVP

Interesting, I just buy 35 of any heirlooms (different ones of course) and I get that?

Oh yea, guess that’s how you get it. Had to look that one up. But yea, once you get it once it’s boa.

Sweet, that’s a good one. Thanks Jugaa!

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Weird thing just happened… person named Zephyia-Zul’jin came up to me and asked if I wanted to join a helpful guild, and that the guild bank has 50k gold for new players. I say that I actually just need 10g to get a basic mount. The person says that’s perfect, invites me to guild, I join, and they gquit. I am now the guild master of “The Last Prodigies” and the only member in the guild. Oh and the guild bank has nothing in it. Very strange!!


Maybe a sign to start your own guild lol

And your positive thread is growing! with a helpful list getting assembled.

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Well I was searching online to see if it was some kind of scam in some way. Right now I’m just confused. It looks like the person purchased an extra slot in the guild bank about 3 years ago… and that’s IT! Hate to destroy a guild charter, but if anyone wants this guild, it’s theirs. I don’t particularly want to have my own guild :stuck_out_tongue:

Also Jugaa, as I’m just starting out buying heirlooms right now, it looks like it takes ~10k gold to buy enough heirlooms to meet the 35-count requirement for the Chauffeur (after purchasing all the ones available for Marks of Honor, which I already have now thanks to an excess of those). Although that’s not a TON of money, I only have money in the 10s of thousands (and not 100s of thousands), so I may skip on that mainly cause I’m fine with ground-based mounts (instanced PVP) for now. Can always reconsider later, but still, thanks :slight_smile:

Can buy some with timewarped badges as well. Also, do you have toons on any other servers or only Zuljin?

use the guild as your uber bank you dont have to invite anyone to it.

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I have 3 Alliance 120s on Bleeding Hollow, and a Horde DH I just leveled to 105 or whatever (didn’t take very long) on BH too, and that’s really it (there are some other strays but nothing meaningful).

But actually, I went the beggar’s route and got a few gold to get the mount training now… and I just re-figured-out that my mounts are account-wide, so YAY!

And Okayboomie… but I want to be somewhat social :stuck_out_tongue:

And I just went into my first 20-29 BG (as level 20) and got brutalized! Ouch!

The mail system says it cannot find you, did you make a character on my server horde side? I can’t send cross realm, it’s BoA so once you open it you can create it on any char through the collections tab. You’ll probably use Gladiator’s Medallion PvP talent rather than the inherited insignia.

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Okay I’m a noob :x Sorry Vacant, I should be there now. Ainsoph-Madoran Horde-side. Thank you!

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Hmmm, it’s still saying player not found. When you get a chance double check the spelling, but it might be something they’ve implemented to stop gold farmers from shuttling gold. Check the name, worst case we’ll just need to meet up. Maybe if we meet I can try to enchant some of your looms.

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Don’t forget to use buff consumables for bgs, i.e. wizard oil, elixirs, food buffs. And use swiftness potions and goblin gliders for more mobility.
And if you’re wanting to be extra cheesy saltwater potions.
OH and basic enchants on your BOAs will give you an immediate edge over non enchanted folks.
Chest = glorious stats
neck = mark of the hidden saytr
cloak = primary stat enchant (forgot the name sorry)
and depending on class elemental force, incendiary ammunition, landslide, dancing steel, crusader, and scopes for weapons.

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What’s your Horde character name on Madoran? I can try to send you a mail message and see how that works. I made it to Undercity, and yeah the spelling is correct – Ainsoph.

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This is the guy with the satchel (Dawnbringer and Madoran are connected realms).

EDIT: I got it to send.

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Ah I got your mail message and replied!

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Check again, I sent 2 more. Do you want to try enchanting the heirlooms?

Ah I only got your test email so far – will check again in a few mins. And yeah I would love to get some heirlooms enchanted! Can we meet up in Undercity (near flight master mailbox)?