Level scaling damage

I am leveling a mage through outland and have noticed as I level up I am getting significantly weaker. I went through ever song / ghost lands and when I got to hellfire I could almost one shot stuff with Pyro blast. As I am now finishing up the zone those same mobs take 3 pyro blasts to kill. Is the leveling scaling broken, or is this how it is intended? I am using all heirloom gear.

Could be a scaling thing, could be a mage thing, or it could be a you thing. Too many factors to know the answer without detailed data.

arrive 20 mage, stuff dies in one pyro blast. now I am lvl 32 mage, stuff takes 3 pyro blasts to kill. Heirloom gear except for hands rings and feet


I think that’s your problem. They don’t have the heirloom gear tweaked very well, to be honest they never have. I love the idea of it, and I use it, but… it will always be slightly behind equivalent dungeon dropped gear.

Also, don’t get me started on how there is no tanking stats (not even Mastery) on it, it’s all dps gear. So when you start getting into the higher level dungeons, you really feel the pain as a healer when your tank is wearing heirloom gear. Back before heirloom gear was a thing, you’d be kicked as a tank for wearing similar gear… but now that it’s heirloom gear, it’s kinda… tempting as it is, most players aren’t going to agree to kick someone for wearing heirloom gear.

In islands level 10s kill stuff faster than the middle range as well.

It’s a few things but also level scaling.

If you one shot something at level 3 it is because it’s base health is lower than the damage that spell deals. Therefore when the mob increases in level with you it’s base health also increases, however your spell may not scale as highly with the stats you have with low level gear on. So instead of your Pyro doing more damage than the mobs base health, it now does less taking more hits, this is because the mob scaled to your level. It’s supposed to feel more “natural”. Or some crap. It just feels bad imo.

they got rid of pvp scaling cause it sucked, and ever since they wanted to add scaling to open world, nothing but a mess, it needs to be gone to, gear should matter more than anything when it comes to killing trash, not whether its scaled right or anything else.