Level 40, Mount, & Bloodshed [RP]

  The sound of rapidly clashing steel reverberated through the armory of the scarlet monastery. Ayao, once again locked in a deadly battle with herod had an advantage this time. Each time she brought him to his knees she would claim another piece of his gear and now match him in his crimson colors. She spent her time here well and now easily overpower him. Herod was beinging to lose his value as a rival and would soon need to be replaced.

As Ayao removed ravager from Herod she heard a sharp yelping coming from outside the monastery. As Ayao moved to the windows overlooking the woods around the monastery and what she saw enraged her. A small gnomish warrior was chasing down a injured dire wolf, the very symbol of the orcish calvary! Ayao burst through the window and lept down to intercept the pesky gnome, after a briefing battle the gnome experienced a glorious death!
After cleaning her blade she headed over to the injured wolf. After tending to the wolf ayao noticed a old scar leading down his muzzle to one of his canines, she decided to name him scar fang and continued to support the wolf to full health. While Scarfang recoves she will continue to torment the scarlet cathedral and work on the riding skill she is blessed to have.
Soon, Ayao and Scarfang shall wage war on the alliance, all shall fall and hone her blade. The jorney of a orc and her wolf begins.

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Ayao has now earned his first HK. I am calling upon all Alliance scum to target Ayao so that our warrior may be hardened for battle.

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Battle shall be glorious!

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Beautiful. I never really appreciated my horse “Death” until I finished all of materials for purifying his soul from a death knight in scholomance. I have to admit, I was crying while “The Force Theme” from Star Wars played.

P.S. Gnomes are to learn valiance from the Horde!

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