Level 3 in Forums

The “don’t hurt my feels” forums.


As Swiftraven pointed out you need 20,000 posts read and you have just under 5000.

That should get you to level 3.

Find the bigger threads and scroll through them.

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Oh boy…I guess I will never be LvL3.
Last year, I got forum banned for 3 days for talking about “how the feminism ruined the online games” I didn’t wanna say feminism was right or wrong, but what I wanted to say was “the world of dreams and imaginations should be free of all our prejudices and political views.” That’s what I wanted to say, but I guess I lacked the writing skill to express my thoughts correctly without making it sound like trolling.


Thanks!, I’ll do just that!

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You should be fine, I believe all was forgiven when the new forums opened up.

I got a 24 hour suspension for posting the ‘wall of no’ in a classic spam thread a couple of years ago.

What if you had your account “put on hold” falsely, but it was removed without problem? I assume I disagreed with the wrong person, and was reported falsely, but it was removed after less than three hours. It would be disappointing if that kept me from getting to level three.

You should be good.

Less than 4000 posts read before you reach the requirement and that shouldn’t take you more than 15 minutes scrolling through a large thread although I don’t believe level 3 is instant. Took me almost a day after getting 51 days read before it popped for me.

Yeah, I haven’t been actively working toward it, but I just wanted to know it wasn’t for nothing. Gotta post those gifs, lol.



Oh! good! thanks for letting me know.
In a way, it was good to know they actually read the forum and cared about the postings. I mean before, I thought the forum was an abandoned place, often feeling like I was writing stuff to a wall when no1 at blizzard read the stuff. So I kept increasing the thresh hold.

To be honest, I don’t really care. LOL It’s not like I am getting paid or like my real life reputation is at stake. I am just doing it for my own entertainment. So, as long as I can write stuff, what forum level I am doesn’t really mean much to me. And it’s not like WOW GD is the only place I can write. I can go to other media outlets and do my postings there. But for now, WOW GD is the place I feel like hanging out, that’s all. It’s just good to know that they actually read, and know my limits, well…kinda…LOL

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Welp… I just hit 50 days last thing I needed to hit for trust level 3… and I am not level 3. I guess that one deleted post permanently gimped me. Cool.

but now you are free to speak your mind :slight_smile:

getting banned is the best thing that can happen to your account

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It worked. I can now post memes, but I am too lazy to find one.

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Yeah, Trust lvl. 3 is an unreachable dream to me. It kind of sucks but at the same time I get why it is the way it is.

Do people really care about this little dog and pony show Blizz has set up?

If Scruffy is a good wittle poster, he gets a treat.


I’m SoL on that one due to false flaggings,apparently criticizing e-famous people like streamers for coming off as elitist in their videos is considered harassment now to their fanbase. :-/

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Well, it’s not the end all and be all of things but it is a nice perk if you enjoy the forums.

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Ctrl-F for the word Trust. Keep looking for more until it stops. Starts at 0.

Also the suspended/ban thing is if it was in effect when this new forum started. Any old ones from before don’t count (I’m living proof).

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The forum suspension thing should have been reset on these new forums for everyone.

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I would rather spend time building friendships and gaining trust of users instead of wasting it on gaining trust level 3 .

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