Lets Talk About Survival Hunter.... Again

I love how the wow community hates anything remotely unique. Yall just want every class to play the same like FFXIV

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Because your obvious extreme dislike for it aside, many people do enjoy it, and don’t want it gutted so the ‘ranged survival’ folk can get their yet another ranged spec back, just as those folk didn’t want their spec to be gutted to become melee when it had.

As I said in the same quoted post but that was not quoted in your response, if old survival is to comeback, then it can come back as a 4th spec so not to screw anyone over.

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If survival had steady shot be able to regerate focus it would increase the fluidity of the ranged aspect of survival and i think it would appease some people. Most players will not even notice the differece unless they read a blue post about it.
( Can anyone give me a quote on the number of players using hunter who also read the forums?)

Beast Master players could be appeased if they were given mongoose bite or raptor strike. Maybe even eagle fury?

Marksman… is a niche.
You are dealing with a top dps spec with low survivability (if they can hit you)
Doubble tap offered a great burst to even the playing field against warriors and ret paladins who can sometimes litterally 3 shot a marksman.

I think removing doubble tap was a bad idea and should be reversed.

Thanks for reading!

I definitely like the idea of a Hunters having a melee spec. It works well to give each spec identity. BM is the beast master fantasy where you go Sheeba Queen of the Animals all over your enemies, while Marksman is the true archer fantasy. Survival being the Rexxar-essque brawler type who gets in the thick of it with their companion is a good niche for it.


Wouldnt it be a game changer if you could switch specs/trees mid combat. Also interruptable by regular cc rules.
Also when was the last time someone rezzed a player manually in a bg or arena?

I saw an opponent rez their friend in a game of 2s last week.

Talking about game changers

I havent played it in a while, but it seems like with Butchery (?) it felt like Fury warrior with a pet.
Actually had a player tell me when I was running SV like that that it looked like a blast to play and he was gonna give it a try.

Seems like after the big changes with unpruning that I didnt quite like it as much.

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I recently rolled a survival hunter and I absolutely love it.

I’ve read the forums previously about how bad survival hunter is designed.

I think it is a super design - I have melee and range all in one character.

I see it called only a melee spec, but use your equipment manager and it becomes ranged or melee on the fly. So fun!!!

I liked survival in bfa and SL-s3.

Problem is they tune it in such a weird way pretty consistently. Wildfire infusion + mongoose bite is fun, but undertuned right now.

If ranged survival comes back, i’d rather it be a fourth spec than replace the current.

Why do I have to be rational and well adjusted again? By whose standards? Can I simply decide to be an emotional and deeply flawed mess? Because I feel like one some days.

And even if I were a rational and well adjusted human being, would that be enough to compel me to want to talk about … melee hunters?

If they were that good then cutting edge mythic guilds would use them.

they did rework SV it used to be a ranged trash spec but now its an amazing melee spec.
ya look at MM they did a partial rework and got rid of double tap. I think i will be happy with what i have as SV instead of them making it into something horrible.

SV doesn’t feel clunky to play you want a clunky class go play devastation evoker and hope that the spells go off at the right time.

SV is a dot based spec :
you have 3 diff bomb dots,
you have a bleed dot from doing melee on your target from bomb,
you have kill commmand dot,
you have master marksman dot,
you have serpent sting dot,
you have dot from kill shot,
you have dot from mongoose bite
well thats 8-9 dots is that enough idk ffs

mostly there isnt a problem with SV, its a lack of knowing how to play SV
and reason SV isnt played at super high lvls isnt because its not good its because other classes are so freakin easy to push 2-3 button to do damage. Pple tend to flock the the easiest class.

Please dont destroy my class cause YOU dont like it cause the pple who play SV enjoy it . I have mained hunter since I started this game back in WOTLK and I have mained SV since it became a melee spec.

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No. Its that people dont enjoy playing it, or for what Melee Survival does, other Melee specs do it better or have more utility. Again, my hunter was Survival through Legion and BfA, and into Shadowlands I played Surv and BM. I know how to play the spec, and I really wanted it to work.

You have 3 different Bomb Abilities- Talented

  • They are not all three DoT abilities. Your Bombs are a DoT and only one enhances the Dot.

You have a bleed from all critical strikes. Talented and on the class tree. Not Unique. All specs have it.

Class tree. Available to all specs. Enhanced through 1/3 wildfire infusions.

Talented with Bloodseeker

Talented with Coordinated Assault on a 2min CD

Talented through Spearhead on a 1.5min CD

Yes they have a lot of DoTs, but there isnt a lot of synergy with them, except for wildfire infusion and poisoned bomb. For the most parts the other dots are just something passive that happens through using an ability.

OR… now I know this may be contrary, but its an opinion, just like this statement is an opinion…

Survival isnt played at high levels because it is an underperforming spec, that people do not enjoy playing.

This is what happened to Ranged Survival. It was just removed. We can keep Melee survival as a spec and add in a 4th for all I care. But I still think that Melee Survival as a spec just isnt there and doesnt have what it needs to be a viable, fleshed out spec.


By that same token why should yours be more regarded than mine? is it a matter of sacrificing the few for the good of the many in this situation or ?

Disagree, i think having melee be a spec of hunter that could be explored has its merits, though not in exchange for sacrificing old survival.

This is mega true. I mained SV in Slands S1 and S2, ended up rerolling to MW in S3/S4 because SV played like trash, fish for bomb proc simulator wasn’t very fun. That being said, Slands SV has been my favourite melee iteration of it thus far.

Also agreed. It feels off and i’m not enjoying it as much as i want to.

I would be okay with them removing MSV back for RSV so long as a bomb/munitions centric semi mobile melee-mid range was introduced somewhere, maybe as a tinker spec if they ever add the class. The only issue is old RSV already kinda encapsulated the munitions theme. But i love being able to dance in melee to range and being able to disengage/harpoon.

I think most people agree it wasn’t a sensible decision to just completely replace RSV like that but i still like the idea of a melee hunter.

It’s a gimped Arms Warrior with 1/4 of the defenses and 2/3 of the damage. What is unique about it other than a bunch of the damage being offloaded to the pet? If you want to play Arms go play Arms, don’t say that SV isn’t just a cheap knockoff.

And for ref, as someone who plays both. FF14 deserves the hate it’s getting in class balance, not for the homogenizing of the classes per se, but because of the devs building every class around a 2min “lust” window (taking a page from Blizz book, because it makes them easier to balance) and it’s turned into a massively stupid decision. All the classes end up feeling the same and the classes that aren’t balanced around that 2min buff design (yet) are shunned from high end gameplay - SMN, MCH, and PLD until they got changed last patch.

No they don’t, that’s objectively, demonstrably false. It has been the worst represented spec in the game since it went melee with the sole exception being the end of SL where the Leggo and Tier made them massively overtuned. As soon as that went away it was back to the dumpster.

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Heck no. I freaking love my Survival Hunter.

Please. This.

No Hunter tanks, don’t do it LOL


Definition of many: a large number
And as many != most, many can enjoy something, even if the majority may not. So no, the statement is accurate as is, and is not demonstrably false.

So as per the rest of the quoted bit says, the many (not meaning majority, see above) that enjoy survival, don’t want what they enjoy to be gutted so ranged survival can come back, same as those who enjoyed old survival didn’t want melee survival to happen.

As such, also said in that post, a 4th spec can bring it back without screwing either side over.

:point_up:t2: And then rework survival into ranged. And make MM or Survival actually viable in PvP without a pet — RoS, Master’s Call, grievous wounds, intimidation all available without a pet.

This is the way.

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This is incorrect, because it’s a melee/range hybrid, and you’re supposed to attack as range, harpoon yourself into melee, attack, and disengage . This is what is the correct way to play it is.

No, it can stay the way it is, just saying. It’s also a good thing that those at Blizzard that matter with the game’s development don’t look at these forums. I also submitted a very well worded suggestion in the game itself on how the current version of SV is great.