- More fun toys
- Player dyable gear + dyes
- A player driven area (Like a small town)
- PvP with only visual flavor gear
- Shadow Priest to be fixed
Bowl of fruit Polymorph for mages.
Legion mw monk
Aoe cap gone
Gcd changes reverted
Plate eye patch mog or just an eyepatch cosmetic
Chromie time from lvl 1 to max
Chromie time to be enabled even at max to go back to old zone content
More dungeons at launch and through xpac
More mog and cosmetics
Spagooter tax where i get mailed gold from the community for being spagooter
Chili fries cooking recipe that adds chance to do fire damage.
- Professions. I liked the format of professions in Legion, the quests were fun. Ranked professions were kinda meh but I took the good with the bad. I liked professions in MoP, WoD, Legion, each of these added something fun and interesting to professions in one way or another. In SL professions are barebones and boring, they were clearly designed for bleeding edge players who whined about having to play the game in order to raid log (shots fired, come at me if you dare, bet you won’t, wish a Lich would)
- More customizations for character creation
- Finish releasing heritage armor
- Make the open world more interesting than just some World Quests and treasure boxes.
- Less of a focus on cosmic forces and bring back a questing and playing experience similar to what it’s like questing in Vanilla zones.
- Buff monks (don’t care how, just do it)
- Less FOMO, stop removing quality content period.
So we can wash away the past so that we may start anew
This is what I want:
- Boatload more customizations for ALL races and for the AR that got left out, such as tattoos for all
- Glasses and eyepatches added to customizations, so that we can wear witch hats with glasses and the like
- No hampering of flying. Either let us just fly from the start or make Pathfinder available the moment we hit max level
- No more level squishing
- Brand new talent system
A single honor set and a single conq set. Gear scaling in non-ranked content.
WAYYYY more races + customization. And their representation throughout new content.
I want more paladins. Ideally, High Mountain and Kultian.
Panda druids would be fun too.
- Slightly larger zones.
- More numerous zones (6-7).
- More quests. Since people hate leveling, then they should be “Side Quests.”
- More diversity in World Quests and Activities.
- Undead and Night Elf Paladins.
- Worgen and Goblin Monks.
I want Anub’arak to rise out from under the ground in his final form and get into a kaiju battle with Elune.
Better foot design for trolls.
wiggles toes
You’ll need a Chief Executioner! The Head Master of Head Chopping!
(here’s my resume)
More activities to waste your time with at max level. WQ and mog/mount runs don’t count to me. They should be fun as well and not just current xpacks gimmick to get AP or leggos.
Character customization. Not barbershop looks but spell animations. If your not going to add new classes or specs there’s no reason an affliction/demo lock can’t get a glyph for undead minions. Why do nelf priests use yellow holy spells when they should be silver?
New specs. There are plenty of class fantasies that would work just fine as a stand-alone spec in an existing class. Necromancer for DKs, dark ranger for rogue/hunter, bards for rogue/hunters. Class balance will never be 100% and community perception of mid to low tier classes is always blown out of proportion. There could be a 5% spread and people would still say last place is garbage not worth taking.
That’s a few of my wants
Expand Chromie please.
Able to level at any expansion, do any dungeon, any old raids that’s not timegated…
Give the ability for shamans to use a gun.
Pfft…shaman don’t need guns: they already have plenty of ranged abilities. Instead, give pallys a Holy Shock Rifle so that we can finally cleanse Azeroth of the undead menace!
A gunfighter class could be interesting.
I’d like some plain black leather shorts or mageweave looking legs or hide pants option. Also, update the older hairstyles, not change them, just give them more pixels. Unlock human face from the skin tones or scar faces- it’s weird that they change. Give us the puppies in Boralus! Maybe a buckskin horse color would be pretty neat…
This ^^
Keep it Simple Stupid
No more System Lands. Make lands that are large and beautiful and generous to explore.
And for heavens sake design gorgeous, colorful options: gothic, native tattoos, scarification, hairstyles & colors; ombres, feathers, and jewelry - eye make-up.
And a story that makes sense.