Let's just talk about how cool 2h shaman looks!

How about.


Why would I come up with a concept if I have no idea how the dev team approaches design changes and what process they use for iteration? There have been a thousand ideas made by people but not one of them is worth a damn if we don’t know how the devs start conceptualizing this kind of change in the first place. Unless you are a member of the class team and can enlighten us on how the team does this so we can better provide input, then we are only wasting time.

Ok, how about yes. See what I did there? Now we are both making worthless input. Grow up.

Wow, I’m so glad you’re here to tell us that any opposition to this terrible idea is fearmongering. Don’t know what we’d do without you here to diagnose that.

Also, speaking of:

We have:

“It wouldn’t be hard!”
“How the hell am I supposed to know how to implement it?”

I love these forums lmao

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Almost as if Blizzard pays people do this and actively leaves their community outside of the process that they use to determine how they would do something like this leaving any answer I could give to be completely nothing more than some game design version of fanfiction.

Constantly responding to any post asking for the return of part of the original class design and fantasy with “It’ll destroy the class forever” is fearmongering propaganda by those who simply want to deny others input in how they could better enjoy the class. World of Gatekeeping.

LMAO right yeah keep living in your own little world man it’s all good

Its funny you say that because you assume they can just implement it easy. You don’t know what they’ve discussed or looked at. They may have already determined that it is not feasible or worth the effort.

That’s good our design is going to change. It will with hero talents, spec tree changes, and tier set bonuses. Why do you think adding 2 hander needs to happen when we are going to get all those changes?

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Is it popular? Archon is showing that only 0.4% are running 2 hand specialization, meanwhile 99.2% are playing dual wield.

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This has been talked about too many times for me to care about giving proper feedback.

2h shaman should not happen as an actual weapon, only transmog.

End of story.

Every week or so there’s a “shaman” looking at 2 h with rose tinted glasses, when in reality it’s LITERALLY a dysfunctional spec.

2h vs dw already caused problems for other specs, like frost dk, for enhance you take these problems and multiply them by 10. It WILL NOT WORK, they might as well make a completely new spec. That’s what you’re essentially asking.

Should not happen, hopefully WILL NOT HAPPEN.

It also has NO actual value, if they somehow manage to make it perfect, and the 2 options are exactly the same in damage and gameplay, WHAT WAS EVEN THE POINT??

At worst you’re breaking the spec, and now you have to worry about getting 2 different piece of loot, one of which you might now want, at best you play exactly the same, and do the same damage, and so what was even the point? Why can’t this be done simply through transmog? Think MARK!

Instead of focusing on garbage like 2h, focus on things that actually improve the spec.

Like integrating primal malestrom into primordial wave, and replacing primal with the current tier set, p wave cdr but based on msw gen rather than wolves.

Removing windfury totem from the tree, and making it a normal raid buff with no totem.

Less 2 talent point nodes, etc etc…

That’s something that ACTUALLY improves the spec. Unlike 2H, which does none of this.

2h enhance is nothing more than a distraction, a distraction that takes time away from worthwhile discussions. A distraction that could potentially take away time from the devs to do something that’s actually important, if they do decide to try and implement this. Just so a few people can re live the days of one shotting people with windfury procs, which is NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

Never said it NEEDED to happen, just that I will continue to advocate for it as I’ve never found that anything that has ever been provided as a counter-argument has been sufficiently convincing as to why it shouldn’t or can’t happen. But way to go trying to twist my argument. Definitely shows that you are arguing in good faith.

Well that just, like, your opinion man so no, not “end of story.” That isn’t something you get to determine.

Speculation. Sure you have some basis for your belief, but it is speculation nonetheless. This game has a situation where if a class can dual wield, then it should in order to perform optimally. I find this to be not only a design flaw, but a flaw in representation of how weapons were really utilized IRL and thus in fantasy. Dual wielding weapons is quite rare historically, so there is more idealized fantasy around non-dual wielding weapons and people want to see those fantasies fulfilled.

Player enjoyment is the point. The whole point of this entire IP actually. Not like gamers like having more toys to tinker around with.

Strawman Alert. Not a single 2h post I’ve seen has ever actually asked for this. Again, a person who refuses to argue in good faith. Also funny that this is what DRE did in SL. RNG player-deleting button.

SL enh was more fun than DF enh.

I’m sorry you don’t know wtf you are talking about.


I feel like this horse is six feet under and we’re just stomping in the grave

Brother you have no interest in discussing this. You make complete bad faith arguments whenever anybody presents to you reasoning why. We could write you an entire research paper on how this a bad idea and you’d scream “GATEKEEPING”.

You fail to provide any substantial argument why to implement it in the game. If there is no good reason to bring it into the game, why should the devs even care to put efforts into it. Additionally, if there are no proposed reasons as to why it should be in the game but there is a whole host of proposed reasons why it would be bad for the game, what dev is gonna see that and say “Nah, the guy saying ‘put it in because I said so’ is right”.

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To be fair, this is also the guy that has walked back half the things he said would never happen recently. But also he is the guy that said Reincarnation was a defensive so he clearly doesn’t understand shaman to begin with.

Waste of development time when we don’t even have a dev.


If this guy things anything against 2h is “fearmongering propoganda” then nerfs in tuning passes are probably labeled terrorism in his book lmao

This is more a post about transmog and coolguys swinging the big hammer.
It looks neat.
I didn’t expect to find an argument using “fearmongering propaganda” and “terrorism” lol it’s so dramatic that we got political buzzwords in here, crazy.

Anybody want a beer?

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You attempted to misrepresent my argument by asserting that I claimed that 2h is something that NEEDS to happen. EX:

The other guy made attempted to misrepresent my argument by supplying a strawman argument in place of anything I have asserted myself. EX:

Yet supposedly I am the one mischaracterizing the opposition. I have made the claim that what you are doing is gatekeeping as the above actions could be interpreted as an attempt to suppress some feedback that you don’t agree with on the forums. A.K.A. Gatekeeping.

You cannot provide a single example of me attempting to misrepresent your argument, because I don’t think any point you have made in invalid. I just don’t believe it is a sufficient enough of a reason to not consider enabling use of 2h weapons.

I have not made any demand that they must include 2h for enh, just that I think it would be cool and that it isn’t as difficult to implement as some people would argue. Currently if I had to pick one change for enh, 2h isn’t it. I want them to delete/replace Overflowing Maelstrom and DRE so that the spec would once again resemble what it was in SL, when I found it more fun to play.

Advocates for 2h don’t need to justify their arguments, because all their argument is, is that 2h would be cool. Some mean that aesthetically, some mean that mechanically. Either way they/we just want the option that they/we think would be fun. Fun is the reason this whole game exists after all and no one I’ve seen advocate for 2h has called for the elimination of what you think is fun.

Bro have you been to the Shaman forums before? All of our specs are in such shambles we get in petty arguments so we don’t chew off our own tongue to cope with design issues left untouched.

I am aware of what vanilla enhancement was and I’ve never advocated for its return. At no point did I even mention vanilla enhancement. The vast majority of the posts I’ve seen advocating for 2h playstyle for enh haven’t asked for that to return because it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that aa based dps doesn’t function. It barely functioned then and not for enh.

I have, however, seen this same strawman argument brought up by people opposed to 2h enh every single time. It has almost never been the advocates other than when they are just reminiscing about vanilla.

But if you have examples of posts actually asking for specifically vanilla enhancement back, then please do share. I can’t seem to find them.

Weeeeell…technically not the end. Someone at Blizzard has put some thought into 2h enh. Otherwise, why would have they taken the time to add 2h scaling and functionality to Crash Lightning.

Is the possibility of some people getting to enjoy the game a little more really that big of an issue?

It works with a 2h weapon right now. They changed it to allow for 2h weapon use at the beginning of DF.(I think that is when) You can use it with a 2h weapon in-game right now and the formula for calculating its damage includes 2h modifier.

I like Crash Lightning, one of the coolest spell animations in the game.

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