Lets Fix San'layn!

id love it if our dancing rune weapon did vampiric strike aswelll.

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It think that might be a bug. Seems completely counterintuitive for DRW not to copy Vampiric Strike.


thats such an obvious thing that i didn’t even think to test that it wouldn’t work. quality code from indy company.


Quickly tested it on some training dummies and my rune weapon was actually doing vampiric strikes as well, not sure if/when this was fixed but right now on live this appears to not be an issue.

It was defiantly worthy of the time to test, and it is interesting that the rune weapons heal themselves instead of the death knight, but I wouldn’t call that a bug like the potential of rune weapons not doing vampiric strike at all would be a bug.

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I play my dk off handedly so I maybe completely wrong with this but having to consistently hit vampire strike and be sitting at full runic power just to maintain the buff or hitting death strike as you said even when you don’t need it feels really weird.

Also building up the stacks feels weird because it’s so important it feels like you neglect everything else over it.

And lastly wholly agreed on blood beast, proc on a proc is kind of ridiculously.

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ten characters.

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sick but idk if this will help smooth the clunkyness of this newest itteration.

thanks for testing that! i missed it through it n ot healing me.

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