Lets do a vote right here re: TBC

Ohh you work for Blizzard? You know that as fact? I’m sorry what YOU want to happen isn’t what blizzard considers. It makes most sense for BLIZZ to move the few who want perma classic to their own servers.

I disagree. And I think my opinion is at least as valid as yours. lol. It makes far more sense for those who want change to be the ones to move IF they even do TBC in the first place.

We don’t want change… we want to go through the portal just like we did in 07. You are the one who wants change. You want to change it so classic doesn’t progress to TBC like it did in 07.

Nope, what I want is the museum piece they promised. The snapshot in time. Not a progressive slide to Retail

Prove they promised a museum piece and its not just players calling it that. Also, we don’t want a slide to retail. We want the big 3.

EDIT: Also, you can have your museum piece you claim to want… on your own servers. If perma classic players move to their own perma classic already in P6 nothing changed from current servers classic… then they get what they want. You’re just assuming you know what myself and everyone else wants. You have no idea and you have no idea what blizzard will do.

One of the devs called it a museum piece in at least one vid I’ve seen with them, and an article. I don’t have them bookmarked and frankly it’s not worth my time to go searching the internet for you so if you care to know, which I doubt, look it up yourself. And using the word “We” instead of “I” doesn’t lend weight to your argument. It’s your opinion, just as mine is my opinion. I don’t claim to represent anyone but myself.

Ok. Post those. I think you are wrong and as such you must link to your sources. Otherwise you will continue to be wrong. I don’t have to look it up. YOu made the claim. Back it up or be wrong. All I have to say is i looked it up and couldnt find it… boom now your turn. Prove it or shut up.

LOL. No I don’t, and no I’m not. I will remain wrong in your opinion, which doesn’t necessarily constitute a fact. As for the links, I told you I don’t have em bookmarked and I really don’t care enough to go looking just to “prove” something on the internet. lol. Like I said, if you want to know, look for it yourself. If you don’t, then don’t. No matter to me. I simply stated my opinion which isn’t going to change since I know what I saw.

Ahh yes… make claims then refuse to back them up.

Whatever. If I cared that much about your opinion I’d go running right out and search the internet for where I saw that. LOL. But I don’t, so I’m not. I feel no need to “prove” anything. I’m through going back and forth with you on this.

My proof is that there is no proof… which means that you are wrong… if you are right its as simple as linking evidence to devs saying what you claim. I can’t prove something there is no evidence for. You don’t get to make claims and then decide its on me to prove them for you. You are saying its on me to look them up because you know its not true. Its a cop out.

Blizzard actually did say classic will remain as it is not matter if there was only 10 people left playing.i cant find the post but its out there.

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Ok, one last try here. Yes I do get to make claims. I get to give my opinion as I see fit. You seem to think it’s somehow important to prove things. Trust me, it’s not that important. I have my opinion, you have yours. I have no desire to “prove” you wrong or “prove” myself right. Do you get it? It matters not at all. You seem to think arguing about opinions is something that people can win or lose. LOL. Like I said, if you want to know, look it up. If you don’t want to know, then don’t. It just really doesn’t matter to me enough and I really don’t care if you believe me or not. Shall I go on? Last reply to you on this subject.

I vote for non of them. I left classic after reaching 60 when I realized the pace and attitude was never going to stop. Even though its all been done 16 years ago everyone had to rush to do everything, release everything, open the next thing, all at blinding speeds.

Now a year later you are getting TBC? Not 2 years later. Perhaps the rushing is what makes all the numbers dwindle as they will keep dwindling leaving a few rushers.

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A year later? We’re well over a year and TBC hasn’t even officially been announced.

You made a provable claim. You didn’t give an opinion.

One of the devs called it a museum piece

You said that. I asked you to prove it. Now you say you gave an opinion. You clearly did not. I asked you to prove that a dev said it was a museum piece. Now you refuse to do even that.

Someone at Blizzard definitely referred to Classic WoW as a museum piece project.

I’ll try and find it.

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Separate servers, let people start at 60 on tbc servers.

The amount of people in this forum wanting a fresh restart surprises me. We want to strip people from the titles, gear, accomplishments (rank 14 grind, scepter sands grind, winterspring tiger grind, etc) they worked hard for just to restart the server economy that will be overrun with gold farmers/sellers in a month or 2 after launch anyway?


Those things only matter for OG WoW. They don’t matter for TBC.