Lets do a vote right here re: TBC

Character copy to bc would just be a nightmare. I imagine all the gold that would be transferred to bc. It would destroy the economy. Example. someone with 4 toons could transfer all their gold to 1 toon, copy it, then do that for all 4 toons.

They aren’t doing fresh or copies. Just pick basically between option 1 and 4 on the survey.

Server copy, not character copy, makes a lot of sense. It wouldn’t destroy the economy because it would be a normal progression into TBC. It would leave Classic servers untouched to allow TBC players to still play Classic if they chose to.


I like that idea.

How do you know they aren’t doing copies? Do you work for Blizzard? Maybe they want to hear all feedback. The survey actually did have an option for “None of the above”, meaning ideas like server clone, etc.

Character copies to tbc server! OR, run a different xpac. We’ve seen TBC, we loved it. But… if tbc comes, wotlk will most likely follow, and then we just walk the same path to our beloved WoW doom… I personally think they should come up with NEW content that follows the amazing classic/tbc progression, however completely different zones and new talents… BUT, if TBC is what happens, I vote character copies to a new server OR just do it, launch tbc and continue progressing.

I would want them to release content fast in a linear fashion like one expansion per year almost like seasons but with the option to “jump off” and stay where you want like in MOP or WOTL and have dedicated servers for that.

Out of these choices? Choice 4. But here’s my proposal:


This is the single best option; either the servers are copied to TBC platform, or progressed and copied to a new Classic platform. I’d think from a DBA perspective, it’ll be less work to copy to the TBC platform and leave Classic servers as is, but the net result is equivalent.

This idea needs to be pushed forward more. It allows people to play what they want, replicates TBC launch as closely as possible, and preserves Classic servers as is as well.


Agreed. They’d have to prevent such exploits.


Spread the word. The Classic Server Data basically gets migrated over to the new server host, so anybody who wants to stay behind in Classic, won’t lose their progress. And may self delete, at their own disposal. There will be no character transfers between Classic and TBC and vice versa.

Meanwhile, the old Classic server progresses to TBC, so those that just want to play in Outlands, as soon as TBC releases, can. And those that want to start fresh, can do so, as well. And, those interested in playing both Classic and BC (raises hand) have those same options to progress their “Classic” characters or create a new a character.


Let Classic stay forever at phase 6. Add content after a year or so.

Yes! I submitted a ticket to Blizzard to let them know server clone IMO is the best option. I’m surprised they didn’t send more of those surveys out (I started in TBC too).

Maybe if people submit suggestions to Blizzard via in-game ticket (there is an option for this), then they might be able to hear this perspective since it wasn’t offered as an option in the survey. Well, there was #5 “None of the above”, but still…

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I’m sure many of you are hyped for the possibility of “Classic TBC”, but please take a step back for a second and remind yourself what kind of product we received for Classic and what that could mean for “Classic TBC”.

Although this is purely speculation, Blizzard has created a track history that we can make assumptions from:

  • Arena would likely be plagued by the same artificial spell batching mechanic that they thought Classic needed.
  • It’s likely that Blizzard would give us the 2.4.3 patch (much like they gave us 1.12.1) which means 2 highly note able call outs: Haste change and nerfed Gruul, Magtheridon, Serpentshrine Cavern, Tempest Keep, Karazhan, Heroics, etc.
  • TBC launched with Gruul, Magtheridon, Serpentshrine Cavern, Tempest Keep, and Hyjal on launch. If content is not gated that means it’s likely we’ll see the try hard of try hard’s clearing all the way through Hyjal within the first month of release. The attunement’s aren’t enough to keep them from clearing content that was cleared in 2006-2007 in partial T3 gear. If you recall the only reason Hyjal wasn’t rushed into was due to the insane bugs that both SSC and TK had at the time.
  • It’s likely we’ll receive the same kind of quality communication/game addressing issues that we’ve received with Classic.
  • Blizzard arguably did not demonstrate the trials and tribulations that other iterations of the project that came before Classic. Repeating mistakes and opportunities which were addressed by amateur project enthusiasts. It’s likely we’ll see the same type of behavior from Blizzard for “Classic TBC”.

And if you thought Vanilla’s meta of Warrior humping with Engineering was dull. Swap Warrior’s for Hunters and swap Engineering for Leatherworking. Stack Armor Penetration. It really isn’t much of a change. ~1-2 tanks, ~5 Resto Shamans, ~9-10 Hunter’s. Ezgame.

Dial back your hype, but still be excited. Recognize how and what exactly “Classic TBC” could end up being. It may or may not be what you’re envisioning.

Yes, but that’s not what this thread is about. It’s about deciding how to handle the TBC transition.

id vote #2

Separate servers.

Let people transfer characters of any level free to the BC server … but they can NEVER transfer those characters back.

People will of course be able to level new characters from scratch on the BC servers.

A lot of people want the economy to not be tanked from people hording items and gold. Due to this people are asking for fresh char to level 1-70, not gonna lie I would not want to play if I had to do that. I don’t want to “Transfer” my char either. The one thing I would suggest is give each account a boost token for each 60 you have. With this it would provide the chance to dodge economy being jacked up and I would not have to re-level again. Also if someone wants to re-roll a pally class and not be behind this would solve that problem or just re-roll in general.

I vote 3, I worked on my classic toon only for TBC, I will never play it again or classic once TBC comes out if that was to happen, look at retail for example…

Number 4 for me please