Lets do a vote right here re: TBC

Copies would be great, then my buddy and I could hot swap gold and valuables to both go into TBC with over 10k in G alone! =)

Start at 58 in Greens similar to retail level boost start
If you let people start with their BOEs or gold from classic, the economies will be destroyed and controlled completely

  1. Tbc is trash. Skip that piece of garbage. Go straight to wotlk.

If this were an option Id be all in favor of it but I do think we’re gonna have to go through BC to get to WOTLK

TBC has separate servers. Communities will have plenty of time in advance to form as the game will launch in the pre-patch for the first month or two. Letting everyone get settled.

I’d make the game a completely fresh start but everyone gets a single level 58 character boost that they can use or ignore as they see fit. For those that want alts or just don’t want to boost the old world is updated to patch 2.4, so all the quests 2.3 added as well as the exp nerfs and mount level change are all in.

After a certain amount of time has passed and the economy has stabilised (Maybe once the pre-patch is done?) allow transfers from Classic.

I vote classic+.

If we go TBC we’re just going to have more spreadsheet warriors, only running dungeons that have their BiS and wanting to reserve it. Then after they get their items they’ll never log in again other than to raid. The zones will be empty and dead as a result as everything is already known, so nobody will explore.

Classic has tons of unfinished content. We have an entire capital city in the dragon isles where we were supposed to get an additional race, the Naga I believe. They already built the city and it’s in the game files. (City sure looks like Nazjatar.)

How about finishing Azshara, and turning it into a massive world pvp battleground as we can all see it was meant to be?

How about finishing the Kalidar mass pvp battleground and releasing it?

We have unfinished raid zones in Tanaris, and Winterspring (Amberhorn Caverns), and with wall jumping you can get to Mount Hyjal and see the raid portal there as well in classic, with Archimonde’s skeleton crushed in the tree.

They already made most of the Emerald Dream, why not just populate it with monsters and loot and let us explore it?

Without adding NEW things to the game, people will never go out and explore again. They’ll just do whatever their BiS guide or addons tell them to, for the quickest best gear possible. Then they’ll only raid log. You’ll never have the awe or excitement of finding a new rare item or quest that nobody has ever found before.

The Devs could also implement some of the pvp balance changes to the game as well from TBC which would be nice. Maybe add defensive gear to the game to turn it from World of 1 Shots, which we’re starting to see now with BWL+ gear, back into actual pvp.

There’s nothing spectacular about watching a bunch of people who’ve been playing these raids for 15+ years on private servers, go and re-run a raid they’ve done 1,000 times before, and start cheering online that they got “WORLD FIRST!” on something that was cleared 15 years ago, when every mechanic is known already, and they spent hundreds of hours pre-running the raid on pservers before it was re-released.

I vote to FINISH CLASSIC WOW! The way it was meant to be! Add mystery and wonder back into the game.


1 or 2 are the only reasonable options you listed. I’m not paying more money to go to TBC and I’m not rerolling fresh toons and losing all that progress in classic and I bet I can keep myself reasonably entertained with Classic for another 2 years or so TBH so I don’t really need TBC any time soon.

This wasnt and still is not an available option.

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That sounds fun but I really want to have both bc and classic

This is nonsense. 58 or 1 makes no sense. That wasn’t the BC experience. The BC experience was going into Outlands with your level 60.

To address the OP, #3 is the only correct answer. A character copy to separate BC servers is a no brainer. It gives everyone what they want. Those who aren’t ready for BC or just don’t wish to go to BC at all can stay in vanilla. Those who wish to move to BC can do so whenever they’re ready without sacrificing their vanilla characters.

Obvious choice is obvious.

People’s PvP titles wouldn’t transfer over if we went with that option. It wouldn’t be a proper, authentic experience. The whole point is to continue progressing your character. People still have the option to start all over as level 1’s if they chose to, but let’s not leave all the level 60’s in the dust.

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Ah opposed to getting a 58 mage, Hellfire greens, and printing gold from vanilla instance/raid farms in the hundreds per hour? Or a 58 druid with engi to mote farm in perma-flight form?

The economy would be the closest to a true TBC launch if people progressed forward on copied servers. This also gives the chance to those who don’t know how to effectively gold farm to bring their work over. Thus these individuals at least start with something and can eventually buy flying and such, as opposed to having an even wider gap with those that will simply farm vanilla content with TBC gear effectively and gain thousands anyways.

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But with copies, the economy is nuked. Everyone trades gold and items to each other before copying in sequence, and artificially create thousands of gold and items.

A server copy would avoid this, facilitate a stable economy, provide the true TBC launch, and allow people to still enjoy classic as well

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Why would you deny the fact giving out 58’s will cause issues in outland and with the economy? It’s bonkers to think that it won’t and yeah giving out high level characters is a retail thing.

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I started playing on Classic with the intent of getting my character to a certain point and then keeping him there, not progressing into a new expansion. If that was the case I’d play retail. I want to be able to log onto my classic character years down the road and enjoy the game and what I’ve accomplished. At the same time I can play on a separate server and do the same thing on a TBC character.

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I really don’t see a solution for all players that blizzard will support.

There is little point to play classic if all content has been released and you’ve done it. Similarly, if you release TBC and that content is new people will go there. They won’t want to start over again.

Just allow your character a choice. Stay and be 60,or allow a copy or migration to a TBC server.

None of the above. “Thanks” for trying to stack the deck. If you want serious answers, I’d suggest you try adding more than one of the actual options Blizzard offered in their survey.

If you did that, I’d vote for Blizzard’s option 4: offer everyone a free transfer to a new BC realm.

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I think a mix between character transfer/ +1 58 boost may be the best option. I have 3 60s and Idc about relvling or not having the boost as I have no life.

However Id like the game to continue its success and I know a lot of people that really want to play bc but I can’t see half of them getting through 1-58 process to get to it.

That may be a unpopular opinion with the current player base but I think it would bring back the most amount of players for the long haul. (as long as they don’t sell additional lvl 58 characters)

Copies aren’t going to be a thing. Too many ways to exploit that system. They only allow copying on test realms because who cares if you duplicate gold or items on a test server.

If they allow us to keep our characters, it will be transfers. Personally I think they should just give us multiple options and let us choose so more people will be happy.

The level 58 boost is too “retail” for the game. If they don’t want to level through the content, TBC is not for them. We don’t need these QoL changes to Classic/Classic TBC.

I’m OK with server clone (to keep player progress, titles, etc) + fresh servers for TBC.