Let's cancel TBC classic

What a fool , you spend money on stupid boosts and won’t spend 35 bucks to play ( Mind you both classic and tbc ) Let me spell this out one more time for the idiots like u. You only spend 35 if you want both tbc and classic, otherwise it is free. You are a sheep and look at headlines and never actually read anything for yourself.

I was actually talking about the deluxe edition/boosts, but please keep spouting crap. Shut up and leave this thread, you offer nothing.

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How did you contribute anything , look at your post and tell me what did you contribute lol. You forced my hand and now you crying wolf

Forced your hand? At what, calling everyone sheep and idiots because you can’t cope with people having different opinions? You sound like the QAnon nutcases.

It’s plain to see that it takes very little to “force Mareitherwin’s hand” to spewing a torrent of semi-coherent insults.

PTR character copy proves it doesnt cost them more than a few pennies in energy to do.

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I have seen more people shocked at the price. We knew the clone would come at a price, but not no ones $35.

That’s my only issue with the whole TBC thing if I had to say. I don’t care that much and decided not to use it. Other than that, see ya at the portal lol.

Bye Felicia!

The two tend to go hand in hand, which seems to be why they’re so appalled at the price. I’ve even seen some people acting like no one ever said it would cost anything

And personally I actually expected it to be more. It just seems like a better level boost to me, so I didn’t expect it to be almost half the price of a boost on retail

I’m pretty sure i can take my 60 classic chars into Outland with only paying my sub.

Which is cheaper than actual TBC because I had to buy the expansion.

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That sounds about right. I’d still give wotlk classic a go. By that time we could be established in AoC or New World, if they’re games worth playing that long.

I’m playing new world bc of a deal I made with a friend, he came back for shadowlands lol we both quit in early FeB. AoC will be my game when it launches till it shuts down

Pvp-wise sure, but I’d still rather play FFXIV than current wow for PVE. Shadowlands was a step in the right direction, but the core philosophies of systems in FFXIV aren’t designed around purposely hamstringing the player to extend sub times

Why would you be able to level your character past 60 but then have that character still 60. Its common sense either stay classic or move to tbc. If you want both purchase the copy. Why do you need all your toons on both versions :S

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Remember when I said this a week ago?

Ya know what wouldn’t surprise me? If blizzard comes out in a week and says nevermind we are doing 20$. They wanted to do 20$ the whole time so they came out with 35 to enrage people. Then when they lower it everyone is happy and blizzard gets what they wanted the whole time AND they look like they are listening. Then everyone gets happy and acts like they won when blizzard just played them. Probably not but if it happens remember I said this lol.


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LOL YEP. Great call.

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This aged as well as raw pork on a front porch.

I posit that if every player were required to read posts about people quitting because of this or that, here is how a vast majority would react:

1- Eye roll , shoulder shrug, continue on with their day
2- Upon further reflection, be happy that these easily
Triggered children won’t be in game to add toxicity
In chat ( but really know these buffoons aren’t going
Anywhere very unfortunately)

Okay we might have something here.
We need you Rozen, start predicting more, but only good and beneficial things lol.

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