Lethon Alliance Reconnections

Night Elf Hunter


Late to the party.

Human Mage
Massacre on Lethon, then Hawtness after a move to lightning’s blade


Same, Wraith

Funny, I was literally just looking at a screenshot of our Kil’Jadeen kill, we standing right next to each other haha

hey I feel like its a farcry to find anyone here but here’s a shot. I rolled a human warlock here (Hawaiian) with the server inception. grinded rank 13 with HOPE pvp guild. looking for Vast, Nimb, Mourning, Strix, Kooch, and others. Where the f*** are you guys? If you’re still playing find me on Kromcrush horde same name. Hope to reconnect.

@Hawaiian Whats up?

Mourning #1368 on battlenet. Currently on 60 warlock incendius/ally.

Lethon - Mourning Human mage

Shout out to all HOPE and Advent members from classic Lethon, feel free to hit me up.

you guys ever find any hope or advent guys?

:grinning: sup

GityGity, Human Warlock

The Risen/Edge

I recall Seanabob and yes…we trolled with Dusan/Jabba


we out here. This is Icy the mage. Pvping with hope and then going to smash pve content with advent was the best time I ever had in wow lol. seeing old names made ancient neurons fire up.