Let UwU Vulpera become dudu


It’s either a stroke or a complete flattening of the brain! (And frankly, not seeing that many stroke symptoms here…)

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do i need to link the diaper rp

I’m just as sure there are people who make you go “they don’t represent Blood Elves. Don’t picture them as representing Blood Elves.”

There are always people who give a race a bad name. Always.

This is the most inaccurate, rude, and offensive definition of a druid. For anyone who cannot decode this mysterious language of stupidity and embarrassment, she said “Druids can turn into animals, become a moonkin, make a healing mushroom, and be a cat.”



Yeah it’s mostly belves and vulpera that are cringe. Also male nelves for some reason and of course HMP.


goo goo kissy kiss kiss, mwawmee twants to pway with UwU, cwan I!?!

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I don’t like male night elves. They look like purple monkeys. Humans at least can hide that visual with good armor. Male Night Elves can’t seem to hide that image.

Yeah well, that just shows what kind of people are on the forums

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Noooooo!! Now the Gnome race is infected with the goo goo talk disease!!

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ExcUwUwUwUwUwUse meee.

If I wouldn’t blow someone’s mind, I’d switch to my HMP to make fun of things. But the last time I switched to an alt to make a joke someone in the thread went bonkers and swore up and down I was sock puppeting on like a dozen+ toons to harass him.

I’m not joking. And all I did was switch to my gnome and make a reference to a gnome joke in the thread.

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This is seriously cringe.
I demand compensation.

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Awww O.O I knew you were in invis mode Cog <3 I’m glad you could come support me getting my purrfect rdudu so I can UwU on WRA

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My apologies. This is a subject that escaped from my very important and top secret clinical trial.


Mwawmee! Can I come hwwome!?

Im going to name you in my suicide note.


pulls out a smart-com

“Yeah, Frezzle? subject 1a found. Port him back to his cell.”

You know something, I…wathle the mathle when I dudu the mumu!!

Oh no! I caught it!

To late now, I guess we just have to figure out the grammar of this new and strange language.

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