Let us roll our Remix toons in advanced!

Let us make the toon, but not be allowed to play.
Save the servers some strain of all the new toons that will be created on release.

Like what they did when classic first released!

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Just make a toon now if you want the name saved, then when Remix rolls around give it like an hour, delete your character and make it into a remix one.

I already did that, I don’t mean the name reservation or such, but I imagine everyone and their dog flocking to create characters will do something to the servers.

Nah doubt it.

It starts on the 16th.

Yea, i’ve already reserved my name. Couldn’t believe it was available tbh. It’s the perfect name for a vulpera panda too.


Do tell. I’ve got the name Duder.

It’s a secret! :zipper_mouth_face:

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I just made them so I can figure out the race and class combinations as well as the names and customizations. When the option appears Thursday to create Remix characters then I’ll remake them one by one.

Is it “Trustlvlfive”?


I’m making a Trustlvlsix now. :grin:




Vulpera…Panda? :flushed:


Imagine that episode of NatGeo.


You… can’t reserve a name on servers that aren’t up yet. Lmao…

The characters you create transfer over to the live server.

Remix characters will be on the current servers, just with a ‘timewalking’ icon in front of their name to show they are phased characters. There’s no separate server like Plunderstorm was.

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You make Remix characters on your regular realm. There is a toggle during character creation to make your character a Remix character, and then they’re just on Pandaria, in a phase with only other remix characters. It’s not a fully seperate thing like Plunderstorm was.

Oh snap! Man I’m behind on names then.

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