Let us COPY our characters to a vanilla realm



can i play joyson on vanilla after transferring him to tbc?

The possibility to move it back would still exist, as your character information still exists.

Blizzard will not allow you to move it back. There is a difference.

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you won that argument. its dead, jim.

I don’t really agree with that. Because we have all of these different versions of the game, there’s no guaranteed a bunch of players are going to be committed into playing them

I disagree, but I respect your opinion.

I still don’t see why that’s a reason for those who do want it, as a reason why it’s not happening.

I can see that, however I still don’t think that should be used against people who do want them. IK that the biggest concern is “dead realms”. Fair. Just combine down those servers and still allow for copies for both versions. And, let people play what they want to play with their PROGRESS and all.

Doesn’t matter. Blizzard gave you a choice and they aren’t going to change their mind because a whiny baby is crying on the forums.

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As far as I’m aware, you’re the only one who isn’t getting exactly what he wants while literally everyone else is telling you to get over yourself.

Are you imagining a world where Blizzard reads your thread and gives you what you want even though they’ve already decided how their going to do things?


On the other hand, I’m getting exactly what I want. I’d call that a win!

Literally a Migration. Them deciding you cannot go and migrate it back is on them. But the process is a Migration.

"Data migration is the process of moving data from one location to another, one format to another, or one application to another. Generally, this is the result of introducing a new system or location for the data. "

You could “if” blizzard would allow it.

I suppose that’s how we got Classic, in the first place, despite being told “no” multiple times, but what do IK, right? :woman_shrugging:

so its a move, just a one way move, with no possibility of ever going back, requiring you to re level an entirely new character as if you had deleted that character. but you are saying its not a deletion, nor is it similar to deletion in any way. thats cool. how about this. lets just say, its deleted off of vanilla. could you agree to that?

cause it no longer exists there. it’s been…wait for it…

wait for it…

nevermind, you know the answer.

/steals your hat


No one is “moving” to TBC. Its getting brought to us.
Thats like saying we “moved” to Naxx. The game code was just added to our already existing server.

they want you to relevel your characters to 70 from scratch lol

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True, but the difference here is that there is a much smaller demographic of people that are against this change versus the people that are for it.

I said before that most people that have been arguing in these forums have been on the side of not allowing copies.

Also, I was specifically speaking to Joyson because he has now hijacked 2 threads and continues to spout the same, circular, non-sensical and childish arguments in both threads.

tbc gets brought to me, and i go in it, as joyson. then i want to play joyson on vanilla.

Well you can’t. You have to pick 1

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why? is that a better option than having your character(s) copied to both?

Because Blizzard said so. And they aren’t going to change it.

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Fixed that for you