Let us COPY our characters to a vanilla realm

so you admit defeat?

you delete your progress off vanilla to move it to tbc

Because instead of deciding to transfer to stay in vanilla, you decide to stay on your server and progress into TBC.

There is never any deletion unless you yourself delete your character, thus wiping the data.

Thank you. I applaud you for not being so aggressive and actually having a conversation without trying to tear into me.


I’ll concede to that being a fair argument. I still think it’s rushed due to the inability of having the copies, that’s all.

But, you didn’t say “in my opinion”. There was no “preface” of it being just an opinion. That’s how “language works”. You “presented it” as a “fact” :roll_eyes:

IK you didn’t think I did :roll_eyes:

I’m showing you that you are. You’ll need to prove how I’m just arguing, for the sake of arguing. You seem to be incapable of agreeing to disagree nor try to find some middle ground. HENCE, why I believe, you’re just arguing for the sake of arguing.

Nope, not how that works.


transferring requires you to delete your progress off of where you are transferring from. really we cant go any further until you acknowledge this.

You need to look ahead as well.

What happens when WOTLK comes out, do you want there to also be copies there?

Essentially, the biggest problem with allowing copies is that it means people won’t commit to their characters.

Player commitment is an incredibly important thing imo; I think Blizzard realizes that people won’t be as committed to their characters if everyone can make copies every classic expansion.

Blizzard correctly imo wants people to be firmly committed to their characters in an era and not just have them waiting on standby mostly unplayed.

yes absolutely without question

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this, i agree with. i just get irritated when someone says a word that means the same thing, cant be used in this particular situation because reasons.

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I’m not sure how many times we have to repeat that there is no deletion, it’s a transfer. Your data is moved from one place to another.

I’m not gonna go any further because this is like trying to tell a third grader that 2x2 = 4 and they’re just flat out refusing.

how does it work?

Move: past tense: moved; past participle: moved

go in a specified direction or manner; change position.

“she stood up and moved to the door”

Deleted: remove or obliterate

So not the same thing at all

When data on a server is to be relocated to a different server, it is called a Migration. When you Migrate data, the data will not longer exist in its original location.

Best to force everyone into TBC and start new classic servers where everyone has to relevel.

How do you not see that allowing copies on every version of the game will result in an unmanageable amount of versions of the game.

The classic player base is already small-ish. They aren’t going to keep dividing that. This era of the game is dependent on server communities and large, full servers.

so you would agree then, you could change position back to vanilla?

dont make me get out the thesaurus.

Surveys probably showed a lot more people would quit if there wasn’t level 60 classic servers.

I don’t see why a restart would be a smart thing though. Maybe every year or two, a “fresh reroll” server can start that would join the rest in PVP after phase 4-5, but “classic forever” players don’t want a restart.

You progress to a TBC server. Nothing is lost, nothing is deleted. You just can play vanilla anymore. Its a migration or a progression.

I don’t know ANYONE that said in 2007 that they were losing progression on their character by moving to TBC.

this is not a migration, its a one way transfer to tbc including deleting your character off vanilla to move it to tbc