Let us COPY our characters to a vanilla realm

Sure, except for the fact what I said suggested a possibility that was more likely, not stating anything as fact. And it was presented as such by saying, “more likely”.

Sorry, but you didn’t “get me”.

You’re one to talk about hypocrisy.

and not play it on tbc

It doesn’t get deleted, you moved it. It was your decision.

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deleted, moved, same thing

Your not “moving to tbc” TBC is getting brought to you. No choice it the matter.

i have no idea what youre trying to say

If I pick up a glass and put it a foot to the left, I have moved it. It was never deleted.

Because you chose to move it!!

Real ezy to understand. No you do not get a free 0 effort max lvl character.

but what if you could never set that glass down again

delete, not move. if it was just a move, you could move back right?

It’s semantics.

But what they are saying is, if you do nothing at all, accounts will progress to TBC. But upon request, you can migrate your account to a Vanilla Only server.



not semantics. this is the pivitol point of the entire argument. whether or not its a move or a deletion.

That is a nonsense reply, as it exists in a, “set down” state. But you can’t move it back to its original position because you decided to move it. And that was your decision.

Be glad you’re given the chance to make a decision at all.

If the entire pivotal point of your argument is based on semantics, you have a weak argument. But no one here is surprised.

/nods :+1:

you cant move back to vanilla. why should this be called a move and not a deletion off vanilla? transferring requires you to delete off vanilla to go to tbc

Doesn’t matter. Game is coming out in (probably) 2-3 months. Blizzard gave you the choice, make it.

Plus side (for our side of the argument) is that I’ve only seen maybe you and a handful of others argue your side whereas the side I’ve been arguing has had probably a few dozen people arguing for it.

At the end of the day, Blizzard polled people. They looked at forums, they looked at community sites. They looked at general chat. And they made their decision based on what most people wanted with a bit of what they could and would be willing to do mixed in.

This is what is happening, make your choice. Stop crying because you didn’t (and won’t) get your way.

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Its a one-way move. Nothing is getting deleted.